[h3]Iyo[/h3] Iyo waved and swayed alot as Huter tried ot help, though being drunk he was a bit more persistant with other things than getting home. "Hhhwwooommeee!!...IIIII dwwooonntt knooowww!!! Aawwsskk brrwoo brrwooo! Hhwwee kkknoossww!" Iyo shouted as he tossed his cup of spiked punch around causing some of the punch to spill on the floor. Iyo was drunk at least he wasn't that drunk to well...what he did last year... the things he had done in last years party... clothes were off and photos have been taken... Iyo wanted to dance abit more so he walked off away from Hunter well only taking two steps until... "BBwwaaahh!!" he fell on the ground face first...at least it was better than last year... [h3]Hana[/h3] Hana could feel the tension rise up as the guy stood up and tried to threatening him back. This made him feel pump up, he gotten used to these things but luckily he does know how to end them. He looked also right the guy's eyes and smirked, he may be cocky about this but he did love a good fight especially when someone steals his thunder. "Oh I can end it, I can end it quickly! You see I got I small reputation here and well...dont want a new kid like you to ruin it, a Yankee got to keep his title." He poked the guys chest like a joke, his other Yankees cheered for him. "lets start then!" Hana smiled like the delinqueint he is and stepped back, he rolled up his sleeve and punched the guy right at his gut.