Name: Snow White Nickname: When she was around her older brother, he always tended to call her Snow Ball Age: 17 Hobby: She loves music. Mainly she sings though. Bio: She had a great childhood with her mother, father, and older brother. She and her older brother were always very close and he was best friend. When she turned 8 years old, her mother died of cancer and two years later her father married their step mother, Melissa. Melissa, though she seemed to dislike children, especially Snow White and her brother, had seemed okay and she made their father happy, so they didn't see anything wrong. It wasn't until their father died when Snow was 12 and their step mother learned that their father had left everything to his two kids(though they couldn't get the belongings like money and other left behinds until they turned 18), that she turned on them. She made their lives miserable. So much so that when Snow was 14 her older brother ran away from home, promising that he would find them a place to stay and come back for her. But he never did. Snow never knew what happened to her brother and fears the worst. Three years have passed, and as Snow reaches the age to claim her father's fortune, her step mother strives to get rid of her. She comes to find that a car wreck she was recently in was planned to try and kill Snow, but when that didn't work, her step mother hires a man to kill her. Snow, overhearing this while in the hospital recovering from the wreck, hurries to get away, sneaking out of the house on her first night home from the hospital and going into the cold snowy winter air, she runs straight into the man meant to kill her. Appearance: She used to have really pretty long curly hair but the man her step mother hired cut it off to use as proof that he 'killed her'. [Img][/img] Other: When her brother left, he also took their pet cat Jinx with him.