[center][h3]Warakuma Mall - Cosplay Cafe 20/4/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] She was asking about his interests. Honestly, he was and still does watch and read these kinds of things, anime and such that is. In fact he draws it regularly still, and sometimes during class. She was asking about a few things though, so he attempted to address those. Honestly the decor was a tad lacking, but that kind of thing usually enriched as a cafe was open longer, due to patrons and employees personalizing or spicing it up a little over time. Next was the uniforms and honestly this girl Shizu looked pretty nice in it. There weren't too many, as in, there were barely more than three waitresses from what he sees. Just barely. [color=slategray]"Yeah, everything is pretty well-kept"[/color], he responded. [color=slategray]"Yeah I do. When I lived in Tokyo it was a common interest for me... And still is"[/color], he could tell she was a little awkward, mostly because he's seen people in this profession in action. They usually made a personality for themselves to sell, but this girl seemed to be more raw. That wasn't an issue though, this was still a small town... Well, not for too long based on all the construction... [color=slategray]"How about you then?"[/color], he questioned back.