[color=fff200][b][u]Aaron[/u][/b][/color] After leaving Jessie and Kate, Aaron wandered around the party. He mingled with a few students, tried (and failed, much to his surprise) to flirt with a few girls, and even managed to catch a glimp of a student using their power. [color=fff200][i]"Well I see the human torch goes to Orean too"[/i][/color], he'd have said that out loud but the combined noise of the music and the students made speaking the words useless. Speaking of music, a song which he was familiar with was being sung by a voice he was unfamiliar with. Turning to the stage he saw a girl singing song to Fall Out Boy. Aaron had to admit she was pretty good, [color=fff200][i]"If Jess and Kate are seeing this then goodbye Nega-Nate"[/i][/color]. He listened for a bit more before heading over to get a drink. He was just about to drink the punch when he heard someone say something about it being spiked. [color=fff200][i]"Seriously..."[/i][/color], was the first thought to enter his mind. The next was, [color=fff200][i]"Nice, fight on the first day"[/i][/color] after seeing a student punch another straight in the gut. [color=fff200][i]"I have to give it to Orean, this school knows how to throw a party"[/i][/color], Aaron stood back and watched the coming battle. [color=8dc73f][b][u]Kathryn[/u][/b][/color] [color=8dc73f][i]"Of course you ditch us"[/i][/color], Kate thought as she watched Aaron vanish into the crowd. It was fine though, Aaron was always running off. In truth he and Kate were much alike: they both liked meeting new people, trying new things, seeing new places. The difference was that Kate was more reserved, she would try new thing but with some care whereas Aaron would jump headfirst blindly into whatever he fancied. Despite that he still managed to come out on top, somehow he always managed to get away with it and despite Kate being jealous of hee brother's "gift" she was glad he had it. If not he'd probably be in jail or worse.[color=8dc73f][b]"Sounds good to me!"[/b][/color], Kate answered after hearing Jess suggest they go dance. It wasn't long after though that Kate heard a new voice onstage. It was strange to Kate, the song itself wasn't soothing but the singer's voice was. Perhaps soothing wasn't the right word as the sound of her made Kate ecstatic as she danced along to it. [color=8dc73f][b]"Jess!"[/b][/color], she called out as she continued to dance to the music [color=8dc73f][b]"We gotta meet this girl after she's done!"[/b][/color].