[h3][u][b][color=9e0b0f]Miss Shard[/color][/b][/u][/h3] Miss Shard laughed. It was a light and airy laugh. Delilah had always liked being around Revan. While his decorum around students had much to be desired, it was nice to be around someone you could talk about the entirety of history with. [color=9e0b0f]"I'll take you up on the dinner, but I wouldn't expect any more then that"[/color] Delilah replied. Miss shard looked around the room. Over by the punch bowl two boys had started to get into a fight. [color=9e0b0f]"Should you.....you know...break that up"[/color] Delilah suggested. Miss shard was not new to the security guarding ways of Revan, which was to pretty much....well....just do whatever he wanted. [h3][color=a2d39c][u][b]Winifer[/b][/u][/color][/h3] [@Destinyfailhorror17] [@Kronshi] The song finished too quickly for Kikka's liking. Some people had clapped, a few had even watched her sing, but for the most part many people were starting to notice two boys fighting in the back. [i]'You've had your fun. Can I have my body back now Kikka'[/i] Winifer pleaded. [i]'Yeah whatever'[/i] Kikka agreed letting go as her foot hit the floor off the stage. Kikka was thinking of a few other ways she could steal the spotlight, but she was too annoyed by the fight having already done that to carry out any of those plans. Once Winifer was in control again she shrunk and slouched like she normally do. Winifer bumped in a few people as she exited the crowd. [i]'I'm just. Gonna head back to my dorm Kikka....I think I've had enough fun tonight'[/i] Winifer told Kikka. Winifer finally got to the dorms. The walk had been so quiet and so cold. Winifer had crossed her arms to try and get some warmth. Winifer could feel her mood dropping as she climbed the stairs to her dorm. Winifer thought about how much she hated when Kikka took control of her like that. Using her for her own fun. [i]'Aren't you gonna say something Kikka. I know you can hear me. Aren't you gonna tell me how you were just trying to help me. How making those people like you was gonna help you control them later'[/i] Winifer complained so loudly in her head. [i]'Yes. Don't over react. You sand a song I didn't have you kill a man. Did you see how those people smiled. I want people to look at you like that like they now how good you are'[/i] Kikka frustratedly explained. [color=a2d39c]"No Kikka they knew how good you are. You're not me"[/color] Winifer shouted. Winifer quickly covered her mouth. [i]'Fuck'[/i] Winifer thought. Winifer was looking around not sure if anyone heard her. [i]'Of course someone heard you Winifer you shouted it'[/i] Kikka noted obviously still annoyed. Winifer noticed the door number. [color=a2d39c]"Oh shit"[/color] Winifer whispered under her breath. Winifer was right outside of Edwards dorm. Winifer looked around she wasn't sure wether to run to her dorm or stay and try and explain if anyone came out. [h3][u][b][color=9e0039]Jessie[/color][/b][/u][/h3] [@TheDarkTemplar] Jess danced along Kate. [color=9e0039]"I know she's great. Maybe we've got a girl group in our future"[/color] Jessie laughed.he song ended and Jessie saw the girl get off the stage. Jessie quickly went after her. Unfortunately she got away. Jessie looked through the crowd, but she couldn't fun her. It was like she vanished. [color=9e0039]"Oh my god Kate. We gotta find Cinderella"[/color] Jessie joked though she was serious about finding the girl.