"Why hello there, fellas!~" A loud voice greeted from the other side of the warehouse, it's sound making the demons jump and scatter even before the door slammed shut behind the newly emerged figure. It was tall and built, dressed in a weird hooded leather jacket, covered in spikes and heavy-looking chain hanging from his jeans among the two gun holsters. Despite his dangerous looks the young man was a student, one some might recognize by name as Fenrir. Unbothered and with the same cheerful tone, the newcomer pointed out that it's hardly good sportsmanship to ambush unassuming targets, right before he pulled a Beretta out and fired a single shot. The bullet passed right trough the creature's weak skull, bursting it open like a pumpkin, and lodged itself firmly a mere centimeter in front of Aura's foot. "Oops." He flashed two rows of ridiculously white teeth. "Maybe you should try moving next time, girl, hunting's a dangerous business. One I'm quite bitter not to have been invited to." He winked at Karnage, the challenge to Aura hanging in the air. Aura narrowed her eyes, muttering under her breath, "[i]Va te faire voir...[/i]" Any excitement she had towards this trip was killed off by this new arrival. She had no time to waste with delinquents like this. Aura studied hard, and looked down on people who clearly lacked her work ethic. But she was easily riled up, and this kid was getting her goat. "I feel that right now we have other priorities, monsieur, than worrying about your personal [i]tragedie[/i]. Though if you would like a duel, that can be taken care of later. For now, perhaps, we deal with these demons?" Aura wasn't sure she could avoid getting in this stranger's face, and she wasn't worried enough about these low-rank goons to not focus her attention on the real threat: friendly fire. "Woah." The newcomer grinned, scratching his ear with the gun. "A bunch of words I don't understand. I'm impressed indeed. But a duel? That's taking it a bit far, we're not "foes" after all, are we?" He winked and proceeded, as if inviting her for a dance, "A simple race would be plenty for me, if you would, miss." Reiko sighed, looking at Karnage. "Since I am still recovering, I would like to volunteer myself to secure the entrance with you. It will only exacerbate my pain travelling with these children. I have blades on me, but I think perhaps the others can take care of themselves a little better." If Fenrir and Aura were going to fight, better they do it far enough away that they'll only be hurting themselves. Karnage grumbled at the appearnace of Fenrir. He knew the boy, not that he was in his mind when he was assigned this mission, and for good reason. Honor and glory had no place over tactics and strategy. The cannibal demons didn't really care for their banter and attacked, pounching mainly on Fenrir as he was the only one who had revealed himself so far. A few who followed the bullet spotted Aura and attacked her as well, though they were considerably fewer compared to the ones who swarmed Fenrir. True enough to what Karnage warned, once the little buggers started moving they moved fast; fast enough to go from clustered in a group to right on top of the students. Karnage couldn't risk taking a shot right now without catching Aura or Fenrir in the blast, as these creatures were too weak to be used as bullet shields. If Karnage tried to shoot them off he was just as liable to tear through the students as he was the demons. [b]"I need to focus on keeping those things from eating Fenrir, ensure that none of them take advantage of this."[/b] Karnage told to Reiko. He handed her his shotgun seeing that it wasn't going to be helpful right now and launched a claw at one of the cannibal demons who were going to bite Fenrir's arm. But he was also keeping his senses sharp for noise coming elsewhere; while most demons would scatter at the sound of gunfire, some of the more foolhardy ones would arrive to what they would expect to be easy carrion, more so if they're also cannibal demons. Reiko blinked as Karnage tossed her his shotgun. For a moment, she thought he intended for her to use it, but a moment of thought made it clear that he just needed it off his hands. A shotgun was not a precise weapon, but Reiko did have tools she could use for this sort of situation. Reaching into her baggy sleeves, she pulled out a stack of small blades, not suitable for stabbing, necessarily, but razor sharp. Holding the heavy gun in one hand, she began launching blades into the throng of cannibal demons, making sure to avoid the chaos that was happening around her comrades. Several of the demons cried out in pain and got distracted, but disappointingly few actually went down. [i]When I return to training, I must work on my arm...[/i] Aura cursed. She had gotten distracted, and now the enemies were upon her. Pulling her sword off her back, sheath and all, she managed to toss the sheath off into a corner in one motion, freeing La Chevalière to do her work. "It's time to put our training to work," she whispered, possibly to her sword. As the demons pressed in around her, she swung the huge blade around, making a cursory check to see if she had enough room. She couldn't go wild in this hallway, but if she was careful and precise, things would work out. One of the small demons made a horrible noise as tempered steel lodged in its ribcage. Planting a foot against its chest, Aura pushed off, sending it sprawling and expanding its already large chest wound. "Heh, you all are mere fodder, accept your fate!" With a dramatic flourish, she stabbed her sword forward into another of the beasts. Though it tried to get away, the sheer quantity of the things meant it just bounced uselessly off the shoulders of its allies, and the tip of La Chevalière burst through its skull. [i]There sure are more than I would have thought, though,[/i] Aura ruminated, watching the boy nearby get positively swamped. She wanted to help him, since that's what a true hero would do, but she really did have enough on her plate. Distraction, once again, would prove her greatest enemy. As she had been looking over to Fenrir, she'd gotten flanked, and one of the creatures shoved its mass into her, knocking her down and pinning her. Her sword was too unwieldy from this position, and her right arm had been pinned down by another enemy. [i]Shit.[/i] Lucaris nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the first gunshot go off. He was nearly at the other entrance that Karnage pointed out when someone had decided to make their entrance in the loudest way possible. While he knew that the noise would be problematic for Karnage and the others Lucaris was silently thanking the newcomer for distracting him from unwanted memories. Lucaris figured it would be best to leave it to Karnage to explain what's going on to the newcomer. Sinking into a dark corner, Lucaris massaged his temples trying to alleviate the uneasyness he has been feeling. It all started when he had entered the warehouse. There was a certain cloying scent that premeated the air of the warehouse that set his mind on fire. He had felt something like this once before. His skin tingled and he felt light headed as if drugged. He racked his memory trying to remember when he had ever felt like this before. The more he searched, though, the more afraid he got as if something were about to pounce on him the moment he found the memory. Suddenly a confused jumble of noise began to spread through the warehouse. Lucaris quickly scanned his surroundings thinking something was about to attack him. While there was nothing to be seen a very familiar smell reached his nose. It was almost exactly the same has the one that lightly hung about the warehouse. Lucaris got down on all fours and began a mad dash through the warehouse towards the scent. He cared not for the demons who were attempting to flee the scene ahead. As he arrived at the scene Lucaris stopped for a brief moment to observe what was happening. A few of the demons had swarmed a boy he did not know and Aura. He still couldn't figure out where the scent was coming from so he decided to follow his instinct and immediately dashed towards Aura who was currently struggling with two demons that had her pinned. Digging into the ground, Lucaris sprung forward with all his might and barreled straight into one of the demons taking it with him and knocking the other one off balance. The moment they touched the ground Lucaris immediately plunged his teeth deep into the demon's throat and tore off a third of his neck in the process. At last he found the source of the scent. [i][b]Aren't you just the cutest little monster. Just one step at a time. You'll become someone worthy of using me. Oh how I look forward to it.[/b][/i] Aura was stunned to see Lucaris come to her aid. She'd had no idea where he was during this affair, but this sort of 'heroic rescue' was not what she expected. She was getting distracted again, she realized before springing to her feet, grabbing her blade in the process, and thrusting its tip all the way through the disgusting creature that had been pinning her to the ground. "Merci bien for the help, Lucaris, I owe you a big favor!" She had recovered her balance and her focus, placing both hands on the handle of her sword and assuming a combat-ready stance once more. Now she finally had the freedom to throw herself at the horde that were attacking Fenrir. Seems like they were interested in the sound of the gunshot for some reason. The man amidst the hoard didn't seem to be all that panicked as he should be. He kept his calm even when the creatures knocked him on his back and surrounded him. He kept shooting left and right, heads popping and blood smearing his face and clothes as he creatures fell systematically. He wasn't too bothered to get back on his feet just yet, even though he was perfectly capable of doing so, the demon's teeth and claws not near strong enough to go through his thich leather attire. Eventually, one of the demons' claws managed to reach his face and create a gash across his nose. Fenrir's eyes widened, the smirk falling from his face. With a twist of his arms his body shot up in a back-flip, shaking demons off as snowflakes. He was just on time to see Lucaris rip a demon's throat off. His eyebrows arched as he absent-mindedly shot another thing his peripheral vision caught. "Oooh, someone's enjoying himself..." He whispered, and then shouted to Lucaris, pointing at a demon close to himself, his smirk returned. "Here boy! Here!" [b]"Oi."[/b] Karnage threw himself into the horde of Cannibal demons, crushing a few under foot. The demons were quickly killed, but the sound of scurrying growing ever so bigger signaled that more was coming. About thirty more. Karnage took the time to slap Fenrir on the back of his head. [b]"This is no game, foolish mortal. I would kill you myself if I did not have a job to accomplish. Lucaris, Aura, and Reiko, go deeper into the warehouse and ensure that no other vermin escape alive! Fenrir, because you blew our cover, I am holding your accountable of taking care of the cannibal horde that's about to come."[/b] The group didn't have much of a chance to discuss the plan further when said cannibal horde arrived. Thirty or so of the buggers swarming into the room, going after whatever was closest. Karnage ran to the aid of his students to give them a chance to flee, though he left Fenrir to fend for himself as half of the horde went after him, while the other half was divided chasing the students. [b]"Go, now!"[/b] Karnage roared as his hand took the form of a claw, slashing a few of the demons in twain. Fleeing the building after the series of gun fire were various other demons, small and weak like the cannibal but without their fool-hardy hunger. They were no more than demonic animals in terms of strength and ability, but still that was a series of large rodots, snakes, and insectoids who are more than capable of being a threat to the students. Karnage himself had his hand full trying to stem the tide of cannibals. A lot jumped onto him and tried to bite into his flesh, though his armored carapace kept him safe. A few did the same to Fenrir, swarming him and grabbing his arms or trying to swallow his head whole. A few of them did the smart thing and disabled his guns, tearing the slide off the handguns. “Dammit!” Fenrir cursed, less amused, as his firearms skidded across the floor. It was rare he was left without either the Beretta or Elah. While indestructible, the gun was very much demountable due to the nature of it requiring moving elements... and apparently the stupid vermin had realised that. And despite their weakness, they were still fast, and many. Two people dealing with two dozen weaklings was a sure win. Two people dealing with two dozen weaklings where one was almost entirely disarmed, that was a victory they'd have to fight to achieve. And it would leave some bruises. Fenrir whipped out his knife with a sudden jerk of his wrist and made sure he holds it tight. Not a second later, a demon lurched at him and had the honour to be the first one to perish by the knife. The steel caught it in the eye and as Fenrir pulled, slashed easily all the way through his ocular orbit and all the way down to the jaw. A nasty gurgle escaped the damaged head, the brain untouched and keeping it alive for as long as it took for it to either die completely or regenerate. Not giving it a chance to survive, the young man's boot immediately connected with the head as soon as it hit the ground, splashing red and pink all over. Naturally, while he'd dealt with that one, more demons had surrounded him and were now attempting to pull his leather jacket off to reach the vulnerable flesh underneath. A few tried jumping on his shoulder and biting his head but were surprised to find the hood over it was an insuperable obstacle for their feeble teeth. Fenrir's only weakness was his face and the stinging pain of the gash of his nose was reminding him to make sure that's protected as he whirled around, stabbing, kicking and punching the demons with the grace of a raging bull. Of course, dealing with this with his body alone, as opposed to with his firearms, would take much longer... but judging by the grin on his face, it didn't seem to bother him at all. Lucaris revelled in his lust for demon blood. Just the feeling of it running down his maw felt so right yet a voice screamed in the back of his mind that what he was doing was wrong and revolting. His instinct was stronger than this voice, however, and it drove him to wipe out all of the inferior creatures before him as if they were nothing more than rats. When the main hoard began to swarm the group Lucaris followed Karnage's command and dashed through the bulk of the hoarde in am instant to attack the straggelers. There will be no running from him. Aura nodded silently before taking off into the depths of the building, looking for where any other exits might be. A few demons were scattered here and there still, but she cut them down with a hefty swing of her sword. When she was not being swarmed, she was able to use her weapon most effectively, and she didn't have to worry much about her allies because she had been charging ahead so far. Reiko was following behind her as well, knowing to keep her distance, and was busying herself peering into the dark branching paths, looking for stragglers. From the look of it, she hadn't found any to speak of. This was good. Finally they reached a significant-looking back entrance. All of the Cannibals seemed to still be in the thrill of the chase, as there weren't many still milling about. Most of them had charged up to the front. But Aura had the distinct feeling that when things went sour up ahead, they would be back, fleeing to this place. And when they did, she would be ready. "Ah, hello there Aura and Reiko." Lucaris was sitting rather merrily at the back of the warehouse surrounded by the unmoving corpses of the cannibal demons. His clothing was torn to pieces and, despite all the blood, his body was fairly uninjured with the exception of a scratch or two. "Those two sure do look like they're having a lot of fun, eh?"