[h2]Zento Ray[/h2] [@hatakekuro] A warrior should never go into battle without a well thought out plan. Despite this principal, Zento did not, he was not expecting a lot of the tigers moves, which was a good thing on the tigers part. But for once in this fight, he had all the right pieces for a checkmate. If she dodged, he would attack again from a long range, she could only run at Zento, which was what he wanted to happen. "You fell into my trap." He mumbled as she ran at him, breaking his bakudo as she did. Zento grined as everything came to a crawl in his brain, the world was moving centimeters a minute in Zento's mind. [b]"Hado #12: Fushibi."[/b] Zento mumbled as the tiger jumped in the air. Suddenly, a yellow net appeared in front of the little tiger, crossing and zigzagging every which way to block and entangle the little tiger. The foundation of the net were pinned to ground behind her, were she was originally standing. The net would stretch to its max due to her momentum and distance, if she hit it, Zento smiled, she was only about 2 feet away from him, he could do what he wanted with the few seconds he had to spare, but the most logical choice was the one he would pick. [b]"Hado #31: Shakkaho."[/b] he mumbled, loud enough for her to hear as a small orb of crimson red energy formed on his finger that we now pointed in front of her face. The destructive power released by the blast a pillar of energy, would cause a concussion and mild burning, how she would dodge he had no idea, but he prepared for that also. He brought up his bokken, which was now aimed at her chest if she dodged that way. This would most likely be the blow that ended it, he breathed, and fired.