Revan "That's what they all say, at first," Revan chuckled, his being deep and dark, but as he saw the fight unfold, it turned into a annoyed groan. If it had been a drunken brawl, he would've let run for a bit to see how things went, but neither teen was even a little tipsy. "I'm going to break something, damn brats." And with that he was gone, moving through the gcrowd as a dark shadow, unseen by anyone, and seemed to appear out of thin air right at the moment Hana through his punch. Easily catching it in hand, then tripping the kid up by kicking his legs out from under him. Placing his foot on the boy's chest to keep him in place, Revan leaned overto look the little shit dead in the eyes, his eyes baring a slightly ominius glow as they burrowed into Hana's, the annoyance clear on his face. "You think you're some shit, don'tcha pint-size, but here's the thing. You are a fucking poseur, a brat who thinks he's bad because he got into a few fights, well I'm going to show you how bad you really are. Now get the fuck and give me your best shot, andwatch how effortlessly I can pwn your pansy, skirt-wearing, wannabe delinquent ass." Removing his foot, he turned to face the other kid, the one who had spiked the punch. "And don't think I've missed what you did. I think the headmistress would be very interested to hear about where you got the bottle of Vodka from, so unless you hand it over right now, you'll be up the river without a paddle. Basically, this is a warning, next time I catch you doing something like this, you'll be sharing the same fate as this poseur here." He pointed a thumb at Hana, not even bothering to pay attention to him. [@Remipa Awesome] [@bluemoon277] [@Destinyfailhorror17] Grimm Grimm nodded, putting away the "Graceful Dead" and taking out "The Living" he took a seat nearby andbegan to sketch out her figure, pulling a pencil from his sleeve as he did so. "Thank you for the permission, and I'm glad you think so highly of my work, though I still don't see the problem with nudes. But, since it bothers you so much, I shall not draw any nudes of you unless you ask." He gave a slight nod of his head, before going back to his drawing. "Oh, Marci was it, a lady such as yourself shouldn't use such vulgar words, though I guess you're free to think whatever you want." [@Unfortunately] [@LowKey123] Xavier Seeing what was going to happen, Xavier had already formed an excuse to leave, grabbing a second cup of punch and walking away from,the soon to be humilation, walking over to a girl standing on the sidelines. Taking a sip of the burning liquid to give him some confidence, he settled himself beside her, holding out the other cup to her with a warm smile in his face. "The punch bowl won't be accessible for a bit while my dad deals with that guy, so I thought I might get someone some before that happened. My name is Xavier Lyone, by the way, and this is my first year here, what about you?" [@Evil Snowman]