[quote=@McHaggis] Do we need to have them use guns other than pistols? I'd prefer for Nadia to be armed lightly and if necessary pick up any weapons she needs. (Also pistols are cooler.) [/quote] Well, I understand that the characters that have been submitted so far would only use pistols and such, but I was such making a point in case anyone thought "police = pistols only" [@Spawnling] Victor seems mostly okay. Some overlaps between him and Robin, but enough to be distinctive. The only real thing that's stopping me from accepting it outright is the bloodline ability. Bloodlines are basically inherited superpowers, but Victor's seems to be something anyone with sufficient medical knowledge would be able to pull off. [@McHaggis] Everything seems fine. I'm just going to nitpick that Bloodlines are supposed to be rare. Not all Butei have them. I'm not entirely opposed to the whole idea that there might be more than one family line that inherited the ability, but I definitely want some indication that Nadia is unique in some sense, maybe her Bloodline is unusually pure and the effects are a lot stronger in her, or only her family inherited accelerated regeneration or something?