[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Cosplay Cafe || April 20 MON: After School[/h3] The blond maid nodded in relief, since she was the one responsible for dragging the male student into the cafe in the first place. If it were not acceptable by his standards, she would be guilty for her actions but that was not the case. What Rui said next piqued her interest as living in Tokyo sounds like an exciting experience with all the events and tourist spots for an avid anime/manga fan. Her expression lit brightly in interest as she responds, [color=violet]"Tokyo sounds like a wonderful city! Unfortunately, I've yet to take a visit there since my parents usually busy themselves with their work. Well, it's great to know you feel the same about the interest as well."[/color] A soft giggle escapes her lips, being glad to know there were more people of her age still into such interests than what she predicted. [color=violet]"As for me, definitely! As such, I display my passion for it through cosplay, I've even learned to tailor my own costumes like the one you see before you."[/color] She made a gesture with her arm to emphasize the bloodied maid costume she wore. Just a moment after her statement ended, another maid pardons her intrusion to deliver the orders of the customer. That was certainly quicker than she had anticipated. A slice of rich, dark chocolate cake covered in camouflage patterned matcha frosting with a cute, bazooka chocolate decoration atop the cake was placed before him, along with TaP soda in a proper glass with bendy straw. To prevent herself from disturbing him from enjoying his cake, Shizuka bowed and excused herself, [color=violet]"I do hope you will find your cake to your taste, master. Enjoy!"[/color] It was only a couple of minutes before the doors to the cafe threw open with an excited voice, slightly startling Shizuka to a faint flinch. The waitress settled herself down as she recited in unison with the other staff, [b][i]"Welcome home, master!"[/i][/b] Seeing as the rest of the crew were busy with the other customers at the moment, the blonde approached the new customer, [color=violet]"Please help yourself to a seat of your liking, master![/color] A curve on her lips as Shizuka settled the male to a seat. Taking a quick glance upon him and she could tell he was another student from Warakuma High, the uniform being evident. [i]Was this the new hang out spot for the Warakuma students?[/i] She shook off the silly thought and handed him a menu. [color=violet]"Here is our menu and as you can see, we have a number of items to match our current theme! Please take your time."[/color]