It was just about the time that Jek asked his own question of the injured mercenary that Tasi made himself known. "Do avoid shooting me, Asari. I rather like my envirosuit in tact." This was, of course, a second or so before the Quarian's tac-cloak deactivated with a soft beep, form coming into view sitting lazily on what was left of the bar, rifle laid out across his knees, tattered cloak giving him a rather interesting look, compared to the usual clean-cut Quarian style. It was impossible to tell where his eyes were pointing, the visor of his helmet so dark that not even the usual glow of eyes could be seen- But from the direction of his head, it could be assumed that he was taking in the mercenary they were.... Questioning. "More importantly than how is why, I think. I mean, all of us here have track records a mile long, I'm sure- And I doubt there's one of us in the room that hasn't been pegged as a complete [i]boshtet[/i] at least once. But to try and kill -all- of us takes brass balls. And -you-, bloody one, just knocked yourself out with yours."