"Yes sir," Toland responded to Lt. Byron, "I'll have it sanded off in less then ten minutes sir. I'll grab the HK-51 unit as well if I can find it." Toland saluted the two officers and he left to grab Betuu, who was still standing amongst the crowd. By the way some of his comrades looked at him, he could tell that the battle droid was not a fan favorite. The private patted the big droid on the arm, signaling for him to follow and made his way towards the repair bay. He had sworn he'd seen a sander somewhere down there. "So," Toland asked as soon as they were alone in the halls of the Intruder, "what were you up too when I wasn't around? You seem kinda [i]pushy[/i] today." "Following orders," the droid bluntly replied. "No, I got that man. Good job and all, but you just seem kind off today." "I am running on one-hundred percent power efficenty." "You know not to take shit litteral with me! Seriously what is up." The droid stop dead in it's tracks and looked at Toland directly. "I don't like this ship." Toland gave a little chuckle, doing his best to take the droid's thoughts seriously. "What do you not like about the ship?" "Those who call themselves officers on this vessel act like malfunctioning Tactical Droids. The "veterans" you praise are nothing more then sloppy "bantha-fodder" who somehow have lived past the slaughter. Those new on the ship are fresh "bantha-fodder. I have fought in real war. All of this is glorified banditry." Toland stared down the droid, unafraid of the hulking war-machine. "Are you going to a whiny buzz-droid the entire time we are here or just today." Betuu marched past Toland and entered the repair bay without him, replying, "Roger roger." Toland could practically heard the sarcasm. --------------- After some time finding a sander and fixing said sander, Betuu was paint free and as shiny as the day he was manufactured. Dispite having to erase his handiwork, Toland was proud how well Betuu looked after a little bit of clean up work. After placing the sander back down at his station, Toland noticed the HK-51 unit from before mindlessly wandering around and scanning anyone he could get at least a meter away from. "You still following orders," he asked the droid. "Response: Yes Master," the droid replied. "Not for long bro. Get out of here and find somebody already." The HK did as it was told and headed straight for the exit without hesitation. Toland turned to Betuu and moved him along towards the exit so that he could meet up with Slogga and his people. [i]Hopefully someone will grab HK on the way,[/i] Toland thought. [i]Absolutely won't be me. He's somebody else's problem now.[/i]