Alright, how's this for a combined entry on the germina? If you like 'brotherhood', I reasoned, you'd like 'cabal' more. Was it your intention to make this race almost completely similar to humans except for the pods? Not much else makes them more special as a 'plant race'. [hider=Germina - vaguely vegetable] A subcategory of humanity, one confined to a very small part of Protea. Germinas are indistinguishable from humans but for a seed pod located on the backs of their necks. When germinas perish, their bodies wither and decompose quickly, leaving only the seed behind. In the space of two to ten weeks, depending on the fertility of the soul, the pod will grow in size and then peel away to reveal the reborn germina, effectively resurrected at the exact age at which she perished. If at any time the pods of living germinas are destroyed, by way of fire crushing, natural degeneration, ect., the germina dies immediately. Funnily enough, germinas sport a natural [i]dis[/i]inclination for Herba magic, instead being slightly more inclined to Lux, Venenum, and Terra. [/hider] [hider=Germina Cabal - this is our oasis] Tucked away in a valley in Feldspar is the reclusive tribal civilization of the Germina. It came to be several centuries ago when a group of pilgrims, stricken with magical affliction and fed up with the pitiable conditions on Spinel, emigrated from the dark continent. En route to Feldspar, they lost their way in a storm, and landed on an uninhabited coast. Inland they wandered, slowly dying of starvation and thirst, until they happened upon the oasis valley the Cabal calls home today. The Cabal is condemnatory of magic, outright banning many affinities and requiring permits for magical use in the valley. In terms of culture, the Germina Cabal is aggressive and territorial, more than happy to keep what few visitors there might be in their desolate region away. While known for their fighting ability, the germinas prefer to abstain from engaged conflict. Any members of this society who fail to uphold it are mercilessly banished. Recently, a desert drake called the Sacert, having angered the Cabal with its repeated raids, was captured and subdued, beginning a flowering practice of beast-taming. [/hider]