Charles, Utakan University->Utakan City, Construction Site Ruins Charles had left the university, sending a quick text to Mary and Jane to notify them of his doing so. He wasn't cleared to leave, and he didn't personally care either. The whole thing had just been so that he'd have an excuse to be in the city, so if he got fired it was no big deal. Besides, if he needed to stay at the University, he could just use his magic to help him get back in. He was chuckling to himself about this until he felt something that froze him in his tracks. Prana, a shit ton of it, being used nearby. [color=00aeef]"[i]Clairvoyance[/i],"[/color] he whispered, his eyes taking on a slight glow as he looked around, finally pinpointing the sources coming from a nearby construction site. He quickly made his way their, but chanted several Aria's over himself to activate several Mental Interference spells on him. [color=00aeef]"[i]Insomnium[/i],[i]Celo[/i],[i]Fallo[/i]"[/color] Insomnium would hide his physical features, making him appear like a skeletal figure with burning red eyes and black fire wreathed around him. A good scare tactic, but nothing more, and easily bypassed by skilled Magus. The next one, Celo, was a lot less flashy, and thus more effective. It made those who looked at him, if they got through Insomnium, look like a different person. He entertained the idea of being Jacob Miliford, but he wasn't that cruel of a man. Instead, he made himself look like an everyday salaryman that he's seen a thousand of here in Japan, with neatly combed black hair, homely features, and short stature. This would have the double effect of throwing off his opponet's aim and messing with their since of dimensions, as they'd believe his reach was short than it really was. The final spell, Fallo, made his opponent's eyes hold on to his image a half a second longer than normal. A small amount if time, but it could be the difference between a blade in his lungs, and a blade in his shoulder, the latter of which he'd very much prefer over a killing blow. It also made it tricky for his opponents to block his attacks, if only slightly. By the time he was finished, he had arrived at the seen, his sword and buckler already out as he saw a shadowed figure in armor toss three knives at a girl. [color=1b1464]"Leveum Ventus"[/color] He whispered, his voice being made deeper and more menacing due to his use of Insomnium, and a the wind around him picked up violently, a savage gust rushing forward to collide with the blade, knocking them aside just enough so that they would miss their intended targets, though they could still hit or cut the girl if she didn't move out of the way fast enough. Turning towards the aggressor, he thrust forward with his sword, gathering his prana more effectively for his next attack. [color=1b1464]"Ehwaz: Ignis Caesio"[/color] He called out, invoking first the runes on the blade, then the spell to send forth a fast moving blade of intense flames. He'd slash the blade twice more to send two more such blades at the figure, then raise his shield and wait for the figure to react. Once he had deflected or avoided the attack, Charles would over charge the buckler to send forth a violent gale of wind hurtling at him, the strength behind this attack being much stronger than the Caesio spell, and setting it alight with his blade. This would turn it into a high-powered fireball, which would explode upon impact with the man. [color=00aeef][i]Saber,[/i][/color] He thought as he rained down his onslaught of flames upon the shadow,[color=00aeef][i]Come to my position as soon as you can, I've encountered what I believe to be another master, and some servants are duking it out nearby.[/i][/color] He didn't offer any more information besides where he was if Saber asked, not wanting to take his eyes off his opponent. He could tell with a glance that the girl was a fairly undertrained Magus and a poor fighter, and in that same glance, could tell that his opponent was the exact opposite. The though made him smile as he felt that sense of glorious adrenaline pump through his veins, his senses focusing entirely on the battle he was in. This was Charles at his most human, at his most excited, his most focused. This is what he truly lived for, everything about this was something that made him feel truly alive. [color=00aeef][i]Come now, mysterious shadow man, show me what you have to offer[/i][/color] [@hatakekuro] [@TwilightDragon] [@Sublimation] [@Constantine] [@Flamelord] Nidhogg, Utakan City, Construction Site ruins Lancer scowled as he grabbed as soon as he grabbed the weapon, but he fought through the pan, eyes glowing, as he flash froze all of the tendrils around him. As Nidhogg cam cloose, he brought up his Naginata to deflect the blow, though it still caused him a great deal of damage and sent him flying backwards. Skidding to a stop, and with a pain in his left hand, Lancer glared at the filthy beast who had dared to lay a hand on him. He was just about to charge at him when he heard Akane calling his name. Sensing danger for his Master, Lancer slashed out with his weapon, sending a wave at Ice at Nidhogg, before rushing over to his Master's side, blocking all of the daggers that came her way. He eyed the mysterious figures that were battling in front of him, but turned his eyes to look at his master. "I think it is time for a tactical retreat, Zhou, while your mysterious benefactor handles the man and my attack holds back the beast." Lancer winced as he repositioned his weapon in his hands, the roots in his left hand making it hard to move his hand even the slightest bit, as if his boy was fighting against every order he gave it. [@TwilightDragon] Nidhogg smiled as the monkey ran off, bring forth a wall of thick tendrils to protect him from the ice attack. He entertained the thought of chasing the Servant but he found that it would be more interesting to fight him later. Besides, Nidhogg had been getting a bit bored of dealing with the man, so he simple walked back into shadow, watching the ongoing proceedings from a hidden area wrapped in his tendrils. Eager to see what would happen next.