Hi there! I'm looking for some RP partners for some varying RP's. I have one specific plot idea, and a couple of fandoms that's I've wanted to do but never been able to really get off the ground. I consider myself a casual RP'er with generally decent grammar. I usually aim to write somewhere between one to three paragraphs. Sometimes I'm fine with smut, sometimes not. Usually depends on the RP and my mood. General 18+ things are fine, and I am over 18 for those who are curious -Edit- Had a lot of interest in my original idea. Good to know I can still come up with interesting ideas! For the moment I may or may not accept more people for this one, we'll see. Still 100% looking for the fandoms though, so please inquire about those! [hider=The idea] Doesn't really have a title, nothing I could come up with that I was satisfied would sum it up nicely. Anyway, the idea is this. There is a land that was ruled by a King and his daughter. The king's wife is dead, so he remarries another woman, who turns out to be a cruel sorceress. This woman plots and succeeds in killing her new husband and imprisons the princess. A brave and powerful knight of the land tries to help save the princess that he loves, but fails when he confronts the queen, especially when the Queen reveals that she is his mother. Refusing to believe he has such a dark and cruel mother, he wishes to find his father, who lives in a different kingdom. The Queen agrees to let him go and find the truth, but only if he agrees to be accompanied by her apprentice. The queen secretly tells her apprentice that it is her duty to corrupt the knight and bring him into their fold. If she succeeds then she will be rewarded with even more learning and power. The apprentice, initially anyway, only really cares for more knowledge and power, which is why she learns from the evil queen in the first place. So basically the RP is our characters, the knight (me) and the apprentice (you) going to the other kingdom to find the knight's father and the truth, whilst the apprentice is trying to seduce/corrupt the knight so he will serve the queen. Bit long winded I know, but I just kind of wrote it how I had it in my head. I feel like there is plenty of scope for this one, emotional manipulation, potential romance, fighting fantastical creatures and all sorts. Will they fall in love? Will they try and rescue the princess? Will they join the queen in her conquests? Will they overthrow the queen? Who knows! [/hider] Fandoms: League of Legends - Cait and Vi Open to others here, but this is the main one I've wanted to do for absolutely ages. Warcraft/World of Warcraft - Arthas and Jaina Again, open to other couples, but this is the main one I'd like to try. Knowledge of Warcraft lore, or at least the stories of Jaina and Arthas, is a requirement for this one. Strawberry Panic! Nagisa and Shizuma Won't do any other couple, just that pairing. I'm open to a lot of things, so you're always free to PM me. The worst that happens is that I say no and wish you luck ^^ Hope to hear from you soon!