Arch pulled on the interstate, his mind racing at the events they'd been through and the fact that they'd survived. He wanted to talk about it and pull out from her who she was and how she held the power to see the dead and interact with them, but it didn't feel like the right time or place. She was on edge - her body appeared stiff and laden with anxiety. Some part of him wanted to reach out and take her hand, but he didn't know her and having an audience, even a dead one was a little creepy. He smiled at the play on words in his own head. Dark clouds rolled above them and thunder struck across the sky, the car reverberating at the efforts of the gods as Ash tried to keep the car on the road. Rain began to pour in bucket-loads and visibility became quite the challenge, but the rain never seemed to bother him before and even after the drama of the evening, he was steady and sure of himself as he moved forward toward her home. "Let me know what exit to take." He turned down the radio a little, "I did see them, but I wasn't sure what they intent was. They actually seemed to appear out of lightening hitting the ground and they had markings on their wrist much like mine." He pulled up his sleeve and showed her the faint tribal marking on him. "I was born with those, and I'm not sure what this all means, but I knew I had to help you." He chewed on the side of his mouth, looking in the rear view mirror and seeing the ghost better, though unsure if that were a good thing or not. "Comfortable?" He asked the dead man and flinched at the expression on his solemn face. "Sorry.."