[h2]In Which Sasaki Goes To Time Out ft. NarayanK and Grey[/h2] Sasaki smiled. It wasn't a pleasant smile or the unsettling grin that graced the face of the tall boy. It was a soft expression that spoke of bitterness and disillusionment. "You're giving me too much credit, Kotori-chan," he murmured, eyes drawn downward, finger tracing a pattern on the table. Helped Kotori? No, he just stood around while the professionals fixed his attempts at 'helping'. Even carrying her back was just doing something somebody else could have easily done. The fact of the matter was the he wasn't an exceptional person. He was no hero on white stallion, charging in to save the day and vanquish evil. He couldn't peacefully resolve an altercation or All the strength in the world and he couldn't do a thing. Still, the songbird's innocent faith in him wasn't overlooked. It made him feel just a little bit better about himself. The giant looked to the new arrival at their table, Aria. "Ara, nice of you to join us, Aria-chan," Sasaki said in a half-heartedly cheerful voice to stave away the somberness at the table, "Why don't you pull up a seat?" He glanced briefly to the maid beside him, hoping to see her face light up with recognition at the sight of the violinist who had (hopefully) done what he'd asked her to. The giant didn't get the chance to see though, because another maid approached their table. He briefly wondered what the other patrons thought of him and Kei, given that they were surrounded by ("hogging") three of the beautiful waitresses of this establishment. The unnamed newcomer was evidently some kind of manager, bringing even the mighty Level 5 to heel. "Yeah, no problem," Sasaki said, bidding the Level 5 cryomaster goodbye, "You know where to find me." The giant leaned back in his seat and dropped his arms. "Anyway, I'm sure there's no need to worry; JUDGEMENT or Anti-Skill are probably searching right now," he reassured, gaze trailing, following the songbird as she made her way closer and closer to a particularly shady-looking gentleman. He knew it wasn't [i]his[/i] place to judge a person based on how shady they appeared to be, but Sasaki had a very bad feeling about this. [i]'Don't panic.'[/i] Sasaki just about jumped out of his seat when the man gassed Kotori not even 5 meters away from their table. Fortunately the giant managed to rein himself in. He had Kotori and evidently didn't care who did or didn't see. To say the situation was volatile would be likely apt. The giant rose slowly, hand on the back of his seat. His eyes were steely as he spoke. "Excuse me, sir..." Sasaki said, voice frightening measured as his arm quickly rose simultaneous, chair in hand and stance lowered. He was about to take a step forward and slam the assailant with his makeshift armament, when at that moment he was stopped by the sudden sound of a door being kicked off of its hinges and the sickeningly sweet smell of decayed human flesh. [i]'Don't. Panic'[/i] Now with a few guns pointed at his person, the Iron Giant gently set down his improvised weapon. As his friends and acquaintances were all penned into a corner, his own hands were raised over his head as the Clowns confiscated his belongings. His breathing was becoming increasingly less composed as the situation devolved further. Kotori was God-knows-where, everyone else was getting filed into a corner for who-knew-what, and it was all becoming very reminiscent of something he'd never wanted to experience again. So naturally, he panicked. Now, there was an old saying: "Be careful what you wish for". It was an oft taught lesson about how getting what one desired wasn't always as good as it was cracked up to be. It was a good lesson, as lessons go. It taught people to appreciate what they have and not want for more. This clown was about to learn that firsthand. After all, this clown wished for panic, but the Iron Giant's idea of panic was less 'scream and shout and let it all out' and more 'apply fist to face until the problem goes away'. Which was unfortunate, considering there were about 20 or so problems and just one Sasaki. The poor clown didn't even see it coming. [i]'...Fuck, I shouldn't have done that,'[/i] Sasaki thought, cringing as the clown practically flew over the adjacent table. The Clown flew through the window, though the damage did not seem to make him requestion his life. Instead, it fainted him. Meanwhile, some of the other Clowns decided to take action. One of the Skinheads carrying the modified Assault Rifles shoved his firearm to an assailant, leaving behind a confused comrade. Walking up to the boy, whose back was turned against him, the Clown decided to use some common knowledge that all Skinheads were familiar of. After all, they knew the human body all too well. Grabbing both of Sasaki's arms, the Skinhead pulled them towards him as hard as he could before kicking the Normalish's back. He then headbutted the back of Sasaki's cranium, the flesh covering his forehead mitigating damage done to his own head. Moving underneath the boy's right arm, the Skinhead smashed the elbow with a brutish, yet somewhat effective punch before throwing the Normalish on the ground. With the Normalish on the ground, the Skinhead slammed a foot against Sasaki's left knee as he let it stay there, motioning over to his fellow Skinhead comrades who were now laughing with glee. The familiar crack of bones- it was a sound they knew of too well while they made their masks. They did not crack too many bones- in fact, it actually sounded like they just dislocated them due to the boy's surprisingly sturdy body. "Get him in the Storage Room," the Skinhead who attacked Sasaki said. "Tear off his fucking dick if he tries anything." The Skinheads proceeded to drag Sasaki into the Storage Room. There was only one Skinhead left at the main room. Having received his firearm again, the Clown told one of the Blue Smiley Heads, "Contact the Wight that we got some interesting things. We'll think about something for that guy over there. "You might be able to break him, man." The Blue Smiley Mask Clown nodded as he returned to looking out his post for any attackers, and the Skinhead proceeded to roll his neck as he went into the restroom. He came out with a frightened man, who soon joined the group of hostages. With the area completely secured for the time being, the Skinhead stood outside of the Storage Room.