[hider] [b]Name:[/b] Suzumi Kalashnikov [b]Code Name[/b]: Bullets [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b] [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/gc2yNEp.jpg[/img] Image by Hetza Hellshock[/hider] [b]Psychological Profile[/b] Suzumi is stable and focused but lacks peripheral vision. While she does not go out of her way to cause collateral damage, nor does she hesitate even when lives are on the line. Repeated tests have indicated this is not the result of bloodlust or adrenaline - merely a lack of concern for others wellbeing. Suzumi has also shown anger problems but despite some documented verbal abuse does seem to have it managed. Despite appearances she can be friendly. She also flip-flops between optimism and cynicism depending on her mood. [b]Specialty[/b]: Assault [b]Skill Appraisal[/b] Basic Firearms Advanced Firearms Explosives Close Quarters Combat Physical Training Languages Suzumi's grades in most other subjects were at the absolute bare minimum for passing. [b]Bloodline[/b]: [i]Mikhail Kalashnikov [/i]- [i]The lead wind blows[/i] Suzumi's unique talent is a passive one but effective nonetheless; firearms she wields seem to never run empty, jam or overheat. [b]Personal History[/b] Suzumi is half-Japanese but was born and raised in her father's native Russia. Unlike her father, a gunsmith overshadowed by his forefathers, Suzumi had more of an interest in firing guns rather than making them. Most of her time was spent hunting in the woods or firing at whatever target she could make. Something about firearms spoke to the artist inside her. Suzumi's father died while she was still young. He'd had untreated cancer. With no living relatives everything he owned fell to her. Unwilling to inherit the family business she left her homeland and enrolled in Task Force One's academy, hearing of it in rumours as a place of training. More than anything else Suzumi wanted to continue using her weapons. Although her knowledge was severely lacking in most respects her natural skill with firearms guaranteed her a placement - especially once they discovered her ability. The Academy proved to be a challenge for Suzumi. She'd had no education outside of Russian and basic Japanese languages. As such she struggled in every aspect that didn't involve shooting. Her temper didn't help as it only made misunderstandings worse. After discovering her Bloodline the Academy provided her with extra tutoring and classes to help her catch up; an opportunity like this was not something to let slide by. In the end Suzumi managed to pass the most basic tests in her subjects, although she suspected they fudged the results in her hacking test. Computers were foreign and annoying. She was slightly shocked to see her first assignment come so quickly. Suzumi was added to the roster of "Division Six". She decided 6 was indeed an auspicious number and confirmed her placement on the team. [b]Weaponry[/b] Changes on a mission to mission basis; typically a shotgun or assault rifle, a combat knife, and two pistols - one using tranquillizer darts and the other live ammunition. She wears a pistol during her free time. [b]Other relevant information[/b] Suzumi likes to smoke, although never in a fight She is a native Russian speaker but is fluent in Japanese and English[/hider]