[color=fff200][b][u]Aaron[/u][/b][/color] Just as things were about to get good the fight was broken up. Aaron sighed as he walked away from the scene,[color=fff200][i]"Just when things were getting exciting. Might as well head to The Cave"[/i][/color]. Aaron was about to hop on his board and leave campus when he remembered Jess was going to come along. Picking back up his board Aaron looked around to find the girls but to no avail. The crowd was too thick meaning Aaron had the tedious task of sifting through them to find Jess and Kate. At one point he thought he found her but when he got in front of her it turned out to be someone entirely, [color=fff200][b]"Sorry about that"[/b][/color] he apologized before continuing on to find the girls. [color=fff200][i]"If I knew it be this much trouble I would have stayed with them"[/i][/color], he thought as he frustratingly looked on. [color=8dc73f][b][u]Kathryn[/u][/b][/color] Kate nodded in agreement after hearing Jess say they needed to find the girl. She only wished their Cinderella hadn't vanished after her performance but then again at least she was continuing to make the night interesting. Kate looked around but like Jess she found nothing. It took her a moment to realize the search wasn't over, running over to a nearby tree Kate placed her hand on the bark and in an instant she felt what the tree felt. The slightest breeze, every vibration, the neural network of plants all around campus communicating information about the students and the grounds of Orean Cause. It was a flood of information but after much effort Kate managed to filter out the excess information to show her only what she wanted. The plants had collected the sounds of the party nearby along with the vibrations resonating off of the bodies of the students. Cinderella after leaving the stage headed back towards the dormitories and entered a room. While Kate wasn't sure of the room number she did have a hint as to which one due to Cinderella leaving the door open slightly. After cuttinf off her connection to the plants Kate turned to Jessie saying, [color=8dc73f][b]"I found her, she's at the dorms. We need to loom for an open door"[/b][/color]. Their elusive Cinderella couldn't hide for much more. [@bluemoon277]