Revan Revan clicked his tongue as Delilah intervened. "You know brats like him learn nothing from stern words and reprimands. If you really want them to straighten out, you have to crush the fight out of them. Besides, I wasn't going to injure the brat, just give him a bit more of a warning than I gave his friend here, who still has yet to hand over his drink. Do I have to discipline you as well?" Revan said, hand out and what small amount of patience he had running dangerously thin. That little poseur delinquent had annoyed the shit out of him, and he needed a drink, or two, or a hundred. Yeah, a hundred, that'd give him a slight buzz. Maybe. [@bluemoon277] [@Remipa Awesome] [@Destinyfailhorror17] Xavier Xavier noticed the girl blushing, which caused him to blush a little as he introduced himself. [color=f26522]"Nice to meet you Katya,"[/color] He said, reaching his hand out for her in greeting, [color=f26522]"As for my Dad being at the school, that is kinda my life actually. My dad is constantly taking on, and losing, jobs, which means I've had to move a lot. Let's just say I've had a lot of practice being the new kid on the block."[/color] As he spoke, he tried to place the accent she was slipping into, knowing he'd heard it before. [color=f26522][i]German, no, wait, I got it, it's Russian.[/i][/color] And just like that, Xavier could speak Russian, as Katya would see as he spoke his next seconds in flawless Russian without even realizing it. [color=f26522][b][i]"My dad's always had a problem with responsibility, so I was the one who had to pick up the slack. It's a pain, but I don't know what kind of ditch he'd would end up in if it wasn't for me. And my efforts are finally baring fruit, after who knows how many years, he's finally getting better. They are very small improvements, but noticeable ones. Take the fight for instance, a couple months ago, he would've just decked the kid and be done with it. Now he's trying to solve the problem at its source, albeit in a way that is considered by many to be child abuse, but hey, I take what I can get."[/i][/b][/color] He shrugged, taking another sip of the spiked punch, and letting out a satisfied sigh, this stuff really warmed you to your core. [color=f26522][i][b]"But enough about me, I'm not all that interesting,"[/b][/i][/color] Xavier continues, not really wanting to mention the fact that he now had a 2 week old dragon for a little sister that could grant wishes, as he was pretty sure that would scare this girl away and he hardly ever got the chance to talk to girls when he's not sober, mostly because he only drinks at home. While he wasn't drunk, the Vodka did give him the kick in the pants he needed to grow some balls and actually hold a normal conversation, instead of his usual panicky one sided pity-fest. [color=f26522][i][b]You're from Russia, right, I noticed your accent, I think you speak English rather well by the way,and I couldn't help but wonder. If so, what is it like up their, it's the only place me and my dad haven't been, that and germany. Dad said he has too many bad memories in Germany and that visiting the place wouldn't be a good idea. He doesn't want to go to Russia because he thinks it's too cold for him, even if the women are all so wonderfully shaped there. . . . Uh, those are his words, not mine.[/b][/i][/color] Xavier wanted to hit punch himself, looks like the Vodka had given him too much balls, she was probably going to hate him for saying that. [color=f26522][i]Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!![/i][/color] [@Evil Snowman]