Upon impact with the alien moon AMAD Unit-1385 went offline. Moments later it's system rebooted and the droid was once again operating. [color=fff200][i]RUNNING SYSTEMS DIAGNOSTICS...MOTOR CONTROL OPTIMAL//OPTICAL SENSORS OPERATIONAL//AUDIO RECORDER AND RESPONSE SYSTEMS FULLY FUNCTIONAL//MAIN MEMORY BANK DATA CORRUPTED//AI RESPONSE PERSONALITY MATRIX 5% DAMAGED//SEEK REPAIRS WHEN POSSIBLE[/i][/color], if machines had human thoughts this was what went through its "mind" as it performed a self diagnosis. Once that was complete it removed itself from its seat in the lifepod to examine its podmates. [color=fff200][b]"Proceeding with Identification scan: Vivian Lovell, Age 28, Female, Biologist, No Injuries Detected. "Delta Silver", Active Time 27 Years, Technician. John Reynolds, Age 30, Male, Project Manager, No Injuries Detected."[/b][/color], once the podmates were identified and given a brief look over Unit-1385 looked to the viewing window of the pod. From examination of the area it appeared to be lacking oxygen within its atmosphere. While unnecessary for a machine it obviously was a problem for Unit-1385's human podmates. Unit-1385 began to perform maintenance on its memory banks and personality matrix when it discovered a possibly fatal malfunction. Fatal not so much to itself but more to the crew. After receiving a good amount of force to its CPU causing a malfunction in the defense programs. [color=fff200][i]"Calculating Outcome-possibility of hostile behavior to crew due to malfunction in threat detector. Possibly of program degradation at 78%"[/i][/color], the escape pod lacked the required parts to repair Unit-1385's CPU so until rescue arrived he was in danger of injuring his crewmates at any possible moment. [color=fff000][i]"Placing safety priority to crewmembe-ERROR-command could not be identified"[/i][/color].