Due to computer troubles the OOC will be a bit delayed. Sorry guys. New laptop is in the mail and I have a draft. Should go up shortly after I get it. Not sure how warlords really differentiate from other magic users! But think of it this way. The curse sucks a significant amount of magic out of every spell cast. Simple spells take as much power as the most powerful of spells used to. Humans have developed a way around this through enchantment. It's safer to gather if the large amount of magic and store it into chargeable objects like wands and rings than try to fight the curse in the midst of combat. So in order to cast a spell now you must have enough magical ability to have not been drained completely be the curse, then you must summon up about four times the magic (and be able to control it all) that it would normally take to cast the spell. Finding other ways around it IC may happen.