[IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/sf80f9.png[/IMG] [b]Full Name:[/b] Calvin Edward Hock [b]Nickname:[/b] Professionally known as “Hock”, however to friends he’s just “Eddy”. [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Caucasian [b]Birthplace:[/b] Minneapolis, MN [b]Weapons of Choice:[/b] Sig Sauer P226 .40 S&W, Carbide Steel Tanto Knife [b]Brief History:[/b] Born in Minneapolis to a pair of street junkies, Hock was destined to live a tough life from the very beginning. Abandonned almost immediately, he was fortunate enough to be taken in by an underfunded inner-city orphanage. However, lacking the proper full time attention of a qualified adult, Hock took to an early childhood of mischief. He would steal from convenience stores, burglarize homes, and pick fights with the other orphans. On more than one occasion, he wound up in the corrective care of Juvenile Detention centers in the Minneapolis area. There he learned to fight, to fend for himself, and most of all how to be cruel to others. Each time he would return to the ophanage he was a little worse, and was quickly graduating into more serious forms of crime; vandalism, extortion, and robbery are just to name a few. He fit it nicely with the other criminal youth that called the orphanage home, at least until it wound up the target of a gang related attack. It had turned out that several of the orphans had pledged to one of Minneapolis’ many gangs, drawing the ire of a rival gang, and in an act of sheer brutality, they wrought a massacre. Social workers, and the orphans were targetted alike, and in the end, only Hock had been fortunate enough to avoid death, by seeking refuge in a slip space between the floor boards. But as Hock emerged among the carnage, something in him changed, and before the authorities could gather a statement from him, he disappeared into the city, and over the course of the following week, two-dozen of the gang members responsible for the attack were found dead, all in their homes, and all with similar slashes made to their throat. No witnesses ever came forward, and no suspects were ever arrested. The idea that a fourteen year old kid could have committed such acts of precision wasn’t even entertained, and the murders went unsolved. Eventually, the last surviving gang members surrendered to the authorities out of fear, and brokered deals that put them into witness relocation programs. They were departmentalized, and spread throughout the continental United States, but that didn’t dissuade Hock, who felt an unfaltering need to track each of them down, and end their existence. A task that he has yet to complete in full, but one that he has made strides in. Mean while, Hock took work wherever he could find it. He took on legitimate paying jobs, like working as a bouncer, but also took on jobs that were far less than legal, such as working as a bodyguard for drug dealers. Gradually he made his way eastward, and wound up in Newark, where his reputation earned him a job as a hired gun for the Italian Crime Family, a position he took to immediately. It didn’t take long for his ruthless efficiency to impress the higher ups in the family, and he started on as a hitman of sorts. He was payed per contract, given more than enough to ensure a decent living, as the head of the family sought to eliminate all of his competition in the Garden State. A decade later, Hock had done exactly that; cutting a bloody swath that saw his legend as a hired killer reach into the deepest depths of the underworld. His skill with a firearm, a blade, or even unarmed are nearly unrivaled, and the primary reason he’s been so effective in his work. But in addition to this, Hock’s intimidating presence has more than bolstered his reputation, it’s solidified it. A fact that has many of the younger hired guns within the crime family uneasy about Hock. Respect earned by those higher up, hasn’t necessarily trickled down, and has led to several close calls with the youngsters. Hock has also earned a fearsome reputation as someone who doesn’t shy away from getting his hands dirty, accomplishing what he sets out to, sometimes by any means. (Updated 4-27-15, 9:25PM)