[@Tyki] Seeing one of their fellows slain before them, the entire mage core stands, readying spell after spell. The Governor's orders to stand down are droned out by cries of murderer, and for retribution. The 5 remaining guardsmen look at the corpse of their ally, before setting eyes on the captain's men. In a work of utter fury, the ground beneath the entire regiment is reduced to a magma like state, and the sergal soldiers find themselves being rapidly submersed in said magma, only to their waists, before the ground cools rapidly. At the most, the soldier's wouldn't be able to walk for a few months, and were stuck there for a good hour or so, as their arms were also bound in the hardened stone. One of them, the one with glowing white eyes picks up the captain, and head butts her hard enough to snap her back to reality. "I challenge you to mortal combat, for your murder of my sister in arms. Winner gets to live. Loser dies in shame." The mage says, before tossing her far off into the distance, walking towards her..looking rather pissed.