As a child Nicoli had been forced to fight others his age, boy and girl. Not only had he been forced to fight them but he had to kill them. He hadn't given it much thought, truthfully, but he suspected that's where his comfort with death stemmed from. The sound, coppery smell and taste, even how it felt were all comforting to the Veiled-One. It wasn't enjoyable, never that. But there was a certain amount of peace created by the scene around him. Yet, the disdain remained evident on his features. There was no need to look around the court-yard again, Nicoli knew exactly where each body lay and in what position it was hunched. He lowered his left hand and tucked his necklace back under his shirt as Jahar reached the bottom step. The magic had shown him each of the mans magical items and Nicoli had been able to decipher what school each of them belonged to according to what his item showed to, but he still wasn't exactly sure what they did. [color=00aeef]"Sloppy. But adequate."[/color] He replied as he reached up and undid the clasp of his own cloak. He gathered the heavy cloak up and tossed it far to his right, off of the raised platform and onto the sand below. His hands fell to rest on the swords at his sides as he worked over all the information he had on his opponent. Despite his professional distaste for the mess, Nicoli couldn't argue its effectiveness and the message it presented. [color=00aeef]"You've set this up for yourself."[/color] He stated. [color=00aeef]"You hired us to kill you."[/color] He said again, piecing together Jahars words as he spoke about his choice of location. Nicoli knew that neither men had the whole picture of one another. While Jahar likely heard smatterings of the Veiled-Ones, Nicoli had heard the same about the individual before him. As part of their final test those wishing to become Veiled-Ones had been sent after this man before as a sort of test. None had returned, Nicoli figured he was about to find out why. [color=00aeef]"You do not know what you've done."[/color] He said calmly, drawing out his black steel long sword in to his right hand, while his left fidgeted with the pouches on his belt, dancing back and forth over them as if deciding which cruel tactic to employ first. [color=00aeef]"But I will show you, I will bring the Angels unto you."[/color] As he finished speaking a dark inky liquid started to cover Nicoli's skin, it wouldn't become evident until it reached his neck and face, covering them entirely so that his facial features were all but hidden beneath the dark inky veil. Every so often streaks of deep blue and dark red could be seen passing over his face, swirling as the magical concealment continued to wash over him. Where his eyes had been were two pitch-black pits darker than ink and they watched Jahar intently. D'Angelo was ready for combat.