[@Oblivion666] [Center][h3][b]Akira[/b][/h3][/center] Akira stopped as they ran into another hollow however Sotaro quickly took the hollow out. Akira rubbed the back of his head as he looked around "[b]Well this is basically it...I mean you kind of sit around and protect people from hollows. It's rare anything worse happens here...at least nothing ever has in my small time coming here. Just be careful though...some of these hollows aren't as weak as the ones we just encountered. Some of them are strong enough to give a seated Shinigami a challenge...[/b]" Akira continued to look around...not really using his abilities to their fullest...in truth he was feeling a little lazy and so decided to just sit down...it's not like he didn't have energy. Cause he did...just wanted to sit down and wait it out a bit...