[h2]Zento Ray[/h2] [@AbigailTenshi] [@Kitsune] Zento watched in feigned awe as the Captain caught his Hado. Although the power was significantly lowered, it was still an impressive feet. Zento immediately dispelled his other Hado, and straitened himself up. After such a battle, he knew that he would be filthy. "I enjoyed the fight tiger." He said nodding to his opponent respectfully. She did a good job fighting Zento, despite the mistakes she made. [i] How can I be talking, I over used Kido, and I'm know tired.[/i] he though to himself as he wiped the sweat of his brow. A small grin formed on his face as the Captain complemented, and scolded them. Despite the scolding, Zento still took pride in such praise. They were officially "unseated" members, which was a bit of an oxymoron in Zento's opinion. "Thank you, I don't deserve such praise." He said, bowing a little in respect to his new Captain. Zento swapped out his bokken for his Zanpakuto, it's familiar weight comforting Zento. Unfortunately, Kazuma was a bit to familiar, in anger she shocked him once again, most likely to tell him that his battle was unsatisfactory. "Damn cat!" Zento yelled angrily. Zento glanced at the tiger, who had now used her free time to sleep. He did not blame her, a fight like that took a lot out of people. He glanced back at the Captain and noticed another girl speaking with her. Zento walked over to there location and caught the last part of that sentence. "Need me to do.." That's what he heard. In all reality, Zento needed something to do to, "Likewise." hour said despondently, basically saying he had the same idea.