He looked up as the door opened, the whir of treads on steel heralding the entrance of Achieng who made her way to the table. [color=f7976a]"Looks like you made a friend"[/color] Scott chuckled from behind Kaite's seat, mopping up seemingly nothing. It was starting to concern the chimera by the frequency and aggressiveness of his imaginary friend. Leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table and lace his fingers, he tried to reason it out. [color=8882be][i]It's obviously subconscious, I'm the only one who can see it. Why a janitor?[/i] [color=f7976a]"Woah, all this thinking about me. I'm flattered...although you should probably keep it together. People are watching"[/color] True, responding to something that wasn't there would be a good way to cost me nearly all of my credibility. I sigh, taking my glasses off to rub my eyes before replying to the watumaji. "I am fine...simply tired" my words grumble from my lips; it was true, I felt worse than when I had woken up from cryosleep. It was a familiar feeling which I suppose keyed me into how I fainted. [i]Damn this adrenaline bullshit...[/i][/color] He sat up straight as things started getting underway, cracking his neck and slipping the glasses back on. The corners of the lenses blinked with a dull amber light of the onboard comlink rebooting, accenting the glint of his bioluminescent eyes. The scenarios Ryland suggested were fair, although after his confident list of what they were prepared for, a question came to mind...probably not one that he should voice, however. At least not in front of the new people. Kaite wasn't too concerned about space combat and was actually itching to get a chance to fire actual ship-mounted weaponry. As far as the other departments went, Ryland's words in regards to the crew's specialties as well as Sel's input put his mind to ease; there were far more experienced people that'd been hired specifically to encourage the smirk that teased at the corner of the boy's expression. The federation really wasn't messing around, whatever was on the other side of the jump had better be loaded for bear because nobody intended on pulling a single punch. However, his fingers twitched as he made a note to doublecheck his hazmat gear since the idea of dying from disease was...unsettling. ... But what if it was something they weren't ready for? It's a large universe and who knew how many alien species were left undiscovered or what technology they had. What if the colony was just gone? It had been long enough, over a month...planet and all. [color=f7976a]"Tch...pessimists"[/color] Scott spat, apparently displeased with Kaite's thoughts as he went about wheeling his custodian setup out of the room. Kaite remained silent, simply turning his eyes downward before snapping back to attention, curious what the captain's response to Sel would be.