Ruler's name: The Luminance Ruler's Title: The Guiding Light Ruler's Appearance: The Luminance is an incorporeal being composed of noon sunlight. Its origins are steeped in mystery - all that is known is that it selected Touchstone to be its home. Over the centuries, its disciples have carved a sanctuary around it. The Luminance, for its power and majesty, is a humble being. In the presence of mortal men, it often chooses the form of a wizened white-haired sage. Island description: Touchstone - a towering rock of chalky-white stone rising from a deep blue sea into a cerulean sky. Temples and gardens are carved into the marble. The carved edifices in the rock gradually taper the massive stone into a single spire hundreds of meters above the sea. Archipelago faction: Light Unique metal of the island: Auralite - iridescent, glassy material harvested from deep within Touchstone. Starting settlers: Disciples of the Luminance - a host of stern and strong-willed monks.