[@samreaper] Yakima waited for the man leave, fighting every urge in his body to attack him. Especially after he fell right on his table, blood splattering on his papers [color=gray]"Just...go" [/color] He said in response, waiting for Taito to leave and letting out a sigh of relief. He walked up to the door and opened it, an annoyed expression on his face [color=gray]"all new recruits, please go to the training grounds. I will meet you later for initiations"[/color] Before anyone could respond, he shut the door close and locked it. [color=gray]"What have I gotten myself into"[/color] He sighed, looking down at his dirty clothes [color=gray]"Honey would be mad at me if I come home like this[/color] He opened up his window and jumped out, going to clean his clothes but forgetting his haori. But that was when he saw [i]her[/i], coming to a full stop. He saw Aya, a small distance away and laughing at the top of her lungs. He clenched his fists [color=gray]"Dammit, I have to put tint on my windows"[/color] He shunpoed to her, glaring at her [color=gray]"What...did you see?"[/color]