Alright, I just claim that central mountain. That is where Kauron Odegtyr, my ruler, established his fort-city capital of Kauronioth. WIP: [s]Stats:[/s] Population: 170 Citizen Redauri Redauri (Argruti), 100 Warrior Redauri (Arordithi), 25 Mother Redauri (Arimateri), 4 Ruler Redauri (Ardrulkoni), and 1 Kauron. 300 total Redauri. Military: The Kauron oversees his Military Vizier, the Ordithagrado. The Orithgrado oversees 9 Ulkadonordithi They each common 2 of the 18 Kardukordithi They lead squads of 4 of 72 Sionokordithi 100 total Ordithi. They are equipped with Mythyrylion Molten Chains, which cover all of their body but their eyes and horns. All of the officer Ordithi (Kardukordithi, Ulkadonordithi, and the Ordithgrado) Wear ornaments on their horn, depending on their rank. Their weapons are fairly advanced, using 'Dekard' or Elastic Spears to quickly pierce multiple enemies, retract, and repeat. Their military efforts are also bolstered by their natural strength and pouncing power. Food: They eat only the sacred herb 'Aurkadiz', which needs only to be consumed once per cycle. It is grown in the Gurdauril Meshedip, or 'Grand and Sacred Garden'. This herb is also used for healing. They eat the meat of the race's most hated enemies as a practice of ritual execution, but they use the blood only to fuel a berserker rage known as 'Zerkoj' against similar creatures to the executed. Due to the fact that their nutrient requirement is very low, and that the Gurdauril Meshedip needs to produce only 11/12s of a cycle's serving of Aurkadiz (1 hg) per day (exceeded by a production of 3 kg per day, which is stored for rare times of famine), their relative food level is Very High. Resources: The Redauri have 5 resources at their disposal, which cover nearly all of their needs. Aurkadiz, or 'Sacred Herb' is grown in the Gurdauril Meshedip. Tonodik, or 'Durable Stone' is mined from Mt. Kauron, this is used in their structure. It is usually applied while molten, functioning like cement. Usually, a hollow cube of the material is made and then designs and accessories are applied.