[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Icon stood and watched the two young metas argue about just how they were going to get to the Wayward Center from the rooftop and he tried not to laugh. There was a certain innocence about the pair that he found to be refreshing. Far too often, one tended to find people were jaded and cynical, however, that was not the case with these two. Even though they had been through a lot, they seemed to take it in stride and maintain their positive outlook. After a moment of discussion, the young man relented, and allowed the girl to carry him to the ground. As the young pair began their descent, Icon took off himself, rocketing over the city, thinking to himself that he had a funny feeling that he hadn't seen the last of the young pair. [center]***[/center] Scott checked the settings on the lighting system inside the club. The multicolored lights flashed in sequence, illuminating the otherwise darkened dance area with a wide varieties of brilliant colors.As he cycled the lights through their progressions, he was suddenly aware of someone else inside of the club. He wasn't surprised, he had been expecting Eric to arrive to help him with the last minute preparations for the clubs opening at any time. "Busy day?" Eric said, aware of Icon's earlier exploits. "Not too bad. Just a few things here and there. Stopped some guys from torching a young metahuman couple. You know, the normal stuff." Scott quipped. "Well, I'm glad you're here now. After we finish here, we're going out." Eric said nonchalantly. "Oh? Where are we going?" Scott asked, genuinely surprised. "We're going to The Elite." Eric told him. The Elite was a lounge in the heart of Sherman Square, where people had once come from all around the city to listen to live music, enjoy overpriced appetizers and decent drinks. Scott had only been there once himself, and had been impressed with the lounge itself. Though, he was somewhat skeptical about Eric's motives for visiting the Lounge. "And why are we doing that?" Scott asked. "Business, mostly." Eric replied. "Mmmhmmm..."Scott answered back. "Buster Keaton's Revenge is playing tonight, and I was going to talk to them about playing here opening night." Eric said. It made sense, Buster Keaton's Revenge was one of the up and coming bands in the area and they had been amassing a steadily growing following. Booking them to play The Hub opening night would be a major coup for the fledgling nightclub. "Okay, I'm in." Scott said before he remembered Eric's full reasoning. "You said, [b][i]mostly[/b][/i] business." A smile crossed Eric's face at Scott's statement. "Amber's going to be there. She can't wait to finally meet you." Eric said, barely suppressing his glee.