[@Oblivion666] [Center][h3][b]Akira[/b][/h3][/center] Akira looked at the ground where he sat and listened to Sotaro ask his question. Akira thought for a second before speaking "[b]Well...It truly depends. If the power gap isn't to large you should be okay assuming there are two of you. However if you are alone and the gap between you and the hollow is to much then flee, Especially if they are a notorious hollow. If you have the chance and know you will get backup soon perhaps try call them in...but if you know you can't flee...there is no point to throwing your life away.[/b]" Akira then looked up to the sky before speaking again "[b]but in truth this really is all there is to it...Simply watching over the town, responding to the presence of a hollow and also using konso on lost souls...that really is the job. Perhaps when we become seated we will be tasked with hunting notorious hollow but who knows...[/b]"