[@AbigailTenshi] [@LokiLeo789] Koyo looked over her shoulder to the other shinigami as the captain started to give them a task to do, though it seemed a little too easy by the sound of it. However it was at least something to do and she was far too excited about her new placement to care what it was, she just wanted to do something! [color=fdc68a][i][b]"That seems fair enough, I always wanted to visit the human world proper." [/b][/i][/color]Not to mention being able to fight hollows, it was a rather exciting prospect to finally face down a enemy alone, well sort of. She still had to work with he other shinigami sure but it was not like a mentor was watching over her shoulder so this was a real fight with real dangers just like in the slums... A grin crossed her lips for a moment before it turned into a bright smile [color=fdc68a][b][i]"Is there anything you want us to collect while we return? I am sure we could get something nice to eat for dinner, heck I can even cook. I am sure that all of us newbies having dinner would help us connect more"[/i] [/b][/color]She took a rather cute and prideful stance as she thought of that, being able to come up with a way for all of them to connect and all was a good thing. She waited for Sai's and Zento's answer as she readied herself to go by tieing both her sword to her side and tightening the scarf around her neck, covering her mouth from view.