[b]Disclaimer: Alot of Swearing within the text beneath, you have been warned.[/b] [@Phobos][@Kurisa] [color=9932CC][i]'Fuck it all! Why do I have to go in shitty Squad Ten! I wanted to get into Squad Eleven! Ulgh, whatever, Ten better be good.'[/i][/color] Pulling a clear strop, Nairin stomped through the gates of the Seireitei, obviously unhappy with the Squad she was designated to join. As she stomped, Nairin slowly regained her casual exterior and calmed down a bit while scanning the numbers on top of the barrack buildings in search the Squad Ten barracks. [color=9932CC][b]"Fucking damn it... They could of atleast given me a map or something to find this shitty place."[/b][/color] She mumbled underneath her breath as she continued to weave her own way through the cluster of buildings. Finally finding the building she was looking for, Nairin didn't waste any time searching for the Captain of Squad Ten which resulted in her barging passed the Shinigami at the gate and a few others in her way. Despite being given dirty looks and being told that she was being rude, Nairin continued to barge, uncaring for the opinions of those around her. [color=9932CC][i]'These fucking people are lucky that I have to join this Squad or else I swear I'd shove my sword straight down their throats! Fucking bastards trying to tell me to stop, they need to stop getting in my fucking way then!'[/i][/color] Getting a little agitated, Nairin tried hard to control herself, however her impatience soon got the better of her. [color=9932CC][b]"Hey! Tell me where the fuck the Squad Ten Captain is!"[/b][/color] Letting out a dose of her inner frustration, Nairin yelled at the next Shinigami she saw, loud enough for many people around her to hear.