The reply came back in the same flat but edged tone. "I've heard similar words too many times to count." Jahar's words were true; he had literally lost count of those who had tried to end him over the years. This man's outward confidence almost disheartened the murderous warrior, for such bravado was all too common from hired swords, usually with little substance behind it. Still, when combined with the reputation of the Veiled-Ones...there was something different about this one. Almost as though he were stating fact rather than boasting. Whether or not he possessed the skill to defeat Jahar was as yet unknown, but he clearly believed it so. With a quick, scrutinizing glance, Jahar assessed his opponents stance; it was indeed a common one and one he himself had been taught early in his training. The Iron Gate provided for quick defensive maneuvers by sweeping the blade across the body, as well as for equally swift counterattacks in the form of thrusts and short slashes. Nicoli's stance was flawless, as expected. It was time to see how strong this man really was. Without further word, Jahar raised his khopesh in a two handed grip over his right shoulder and dashed in from ten paces, gliding over the distance and mounting the platform in a series of short, powerfully graceful bounds. As he approached Nicoli, he swung the khopesh in a slicing diagonal arc beginning from the top right, the heavy sword appearing as light as a practice blade in his hands. Should Nicoli fail to defend, he would find the last six inches of bronze buried deep into his left shoulder. Clearly that would not be the case, as there were several avenues of defense available to the no doubt resourceful man. Still, which he chose would tell Jahar much about what sort of combatant he faced, and so as he attacked, he watched carefully, awaiting the man's response and likely counterattack.