[b]Disclaimer: Alot of Swearing within the text beneath, you have been warned.[/b] [@Kurisa][@Oblivion666] ... This was one of those moments were Nairin didn't immediately retort, instead she just stood there with he left eye violently twitching, she could almost swear one of her veins were about to pop. [color=9932CC][i]'Just who... the fuck does this guy.... think he is'[/i][/color] The more seconds that ticked by while this guy raged at her, the higher her anger grew until she just couldn't stay silent anymore. [color=9932CC][b]"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SPEAKING TO!! I-!"[/b][/color] Nairin's rant was abruptly cut off by a female suddenly sitting on the man. She began speaking, giving Nairin the information she actually wanted, but this did little to calm her down. [color=9932CC][b]"YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN UNLESS YOU WANT A FUCKING FIST THROUGH YOUR FUCKING FACE! I ASKED A FUCKING QUESTION MEANING I WANT A FUCKING ANSWER! NOT YOUR FUCKING LIFE STORY! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR DAY SO YOU CAN TAKE THOSE WORDS AND SHOVE THEM RIGHT UP YOUR ASS YOU FUCKING PRICK!!"[/b][/color] With her yelling necessarily loud and rather [i]colourful[/i] rant ending, Nairin took a few deep breaths, finally being able to calm herself after unleashing her annoyance upon this man, while the girl still sat in between them, however the whole time she yelled, Nairin kept her eyes on the male Shinigami. Looking down towards the female, Nairin closed her eyes for a second before opening them again. [color=9932CC][b]"Thanks"[/b][/color] She mumbled before turning a full 180 degress on her heel, taking a step forward before stopping suddenly. [color=9932CC][i]'... Where the fuck are the training grounds?!?!'[/i][/color] Needless to say, her frustration soon returned.