[@AbigailTenshi][@Oblivion666][@Kurisa] Yakima had gone to the quarters given to him when he became a captain. Although he rarely used it, now was the perfect time since it had a shower and clothes without puke. Yakima left his quarters after a few showers and left to the training grounds, still forgetting about his haori. As he was walking to the training grounds, he suddenly heard multiple scream at the top of his lungs. He sighed, having two choices. Either he could ignore it as he usually would and go back to work but this time...this time there were dozens of new recruits patiently waiting for his return. If he dealt with this problem, he could waste more time and hope the other members could do the work for him. He nodded, jumping on a rooftop and shunpoing to the source. He looked down, fate screwing him over yet again. Yakima jumped down as the female turned around and took only one step. [color=gray]"What's going on here? Anything I could..."[/color] He took a deep breath [color=gray]...help with?"[/color]