It was only after Orion made a move to try and give August the gloves that Danny realized what an oaf he'd been. It had only been five minutes later and he had forgotten her condition, too swept up in the wonder and mystery that surrounded him. [i]Bullshit[/i] he chided himself, [i]you may be using this as an excuse but you've been a selfish asshole before you met the others. Face it, it's not being the sheriff's son that drives people away it's the fact that you- [/i] Danny clamped down on the thought. There was enough negativity going around already without Daniel adding to it. Besides if he were to 'flare' his abilities while in this mentality he'd do more harm than good. With that thought the boy gave a nervous glance to the branches above them and stepped as far out of their path without retreating from the group. Biting his lip Danny instead occupied his mind with the myriad of questions that popped up. What was Jackson saying about not wanting this "to happen again?" And what was Mary saying about him having schizophrenic demons? It could be Mary was just talking about what started to seem was a habit of acting out but the way she said it left him wondering if it was something more. After all, Kanoa had literally just grown gills in front of them. Speaking of, it seemed out of character for Mary to actually give a shit. She was a whole lot like Orion in she tried to act cooler than a cucumber in a bowl of menthol, except she usually had a literal smoke screen to aid her in appearing aloof. Between her flushed skin, dilated eyes and impassioned speech Danny could swear that she was hot for teacher but dismissed the thought. After all, who becomes infatuated with someone so quickly? Whatever. What they did when they weren't on the clock wasn't his business until it caused harm to their merry band of misanthropes. Whether or not that was what was currently happening was up to debate and so Daniel held his tongue and instead asked Kanoa something that seemed more pertinent to the situation at hand. "It's good to know it's temporary how long does it last? We should probably know so we don't end up as bloated grey blobs heading down river. And while it's obvious by the fact that you aren't dancing around right now that it's a counter-current gas exchange that also ensures that we won't have to worry about hypothermia -thanks to the wonders of endothermy- how do we plan to see? Does this plasmid also enable the ability to see underwater clearly? Or in low-light vision? How about water pressure? While I'd like to think we aren't going anywhere that could crush a human's body, we already know that this monster is desperate, not to mention sloppy. Seriously though, how long does this thing last?" Rubbing the back of his neck Danny added. "The lake is a while away on foot, and I don't like the idea of us burning time when you already took a swig of your own potion. If we head back we can all pile into my truck. With it, and my power we'll be able to get their fast enough to swing by people's houses and pick up needed supplies- like swim-suits. Really I just don't want to go into this creature's lair when exhausted." [i]After all. If we're going to be exhausted and in the dark about what's going on why should we do the same thing with a Japanese monstrosity?[/i] "And is anyone else weirded out by how unweirded out we are by this?"