Unsure of how he was actually accepted into the squad after that little incident in the office, but he wouldn't question it. He was just thankful that the captain had kind and just heart who had a strong sense of control, whereas most would likely have jumped at him and beaten the living shit out of him. It was best to act like it never happened as Taito had made his way to the training grounds, though could hear some shouting coming from near the captain's office. For a moment he was worried that it might of had something to do with him, but doubted that since he said nothing after leaving and tried to get through without attracting attention. Now standing at the training grounds and looking around to see a few of the other recruits that had recently joined and wanted to introduce himself. Yet, felt it best to just stay still and avoid risking embarrassing himself any further than he had already; plus his mouth was still hurting from banging it against the desk. Luckily the bleeding had stopped quickly afterwards, though seemed to have chipped a tooth and let out a weak sigh. If a hollow didn't kill him then his clumsiness would at this rate if he didn't somehow find a way to fix it as he recalled the captain wanting him to test out his zanpakuto. At that, his worries flamed anew, rubbing at his head furiously in panic as his mind filled with all sorts of ways it could go wrong and hoped he could convince the captain to let him wait till it was just the two of them. Least then he wouldn't have to worry about hurting anyone else by accident.