[@AbigailTenshi][@Oblivion666][@Kurisa] Yakima had no idea what he got himself into, nit sure what the hell was going on. He glared at Shinzo [color=gray]"Just because you sre a new recruit, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to. Set an example for new recruits"[/color] He turned his head to the female recruit, glaring at her [color=gray]"And you, there is no reason for the attitude. I know you dont want to join my squad and you wanna kill something right? Well guess what, we get a lot more of what squad 11 lacks. Actual experience on the battlefield. Training can only do so much but we are the ones constantly going out and killing hollows"[/color] He then turned to Aya [color=gray]"and you...good job. Actually, I have an idea. There has been a small problem with a hollows nest in a forest on the morth east corner from the Soul Society. Supposedly, its not a big deal but there has been reports of a single hollow commanding them. You two, take the new recruit and evaluate her as take onz hollows. Im puttimg my trust in the two of you. [/color] He was about to leave before stopping amd reach into his sleeve. Only now did he notice that his haori was gone. He sighed, pulling a small portion of his white cloth and tesrimg a piece off. He handed it to the new recruit [color=gray]"If things go wrong, pour your reiatsu into that and ill come rihht away. Welcome to squad 10"[/color] He turned to the other two [color=gray]"Remember, dont take any unnecessary risks. I hope to hear good things when you come back "[/color] Yakima shunpoed away in an instant, heading to the training grounds.