Mao Lei had been walking for days since she left Ba Sing Se, her travels taking significantly longer since she had to dodge checkpoints on the main roads, resulting in wide detours through significantly less traversable landscape. But she was finally here, almost at the peninsula where the Earth Kingdoms borders were closest to the Ember Isles, where she had been told she might find someone who could help her locate the Avatar. All she knew was that the Earth Kingdom Rebellion had received occasional contact from a Water Tribe soldier who was supposed to be dead. It was only due to one of her higher-ranking friends that she learned that contact might still be alive, and searching for the same person as she was. This was supposed to be the location she might find him, and if he wasn't here, well, she'd figure something else out. She always did, after all. The man standing solemnly facing the sea was the only person out here, at least that she could see, and that made him her best chance. As she approached it certainly became clear that he had water tribe features, which made her both excited and uneasy. Could he be the Waterbender she was searching for? Or was he a soldier loyal to Iluq, not wearing his outfit? She cursed herself for not learning any of the code sentences she could have used. Well, maybe she could figure him out with some small talk. She made her way over to the man, not making much attempt to stay hidden but her training resulted in a rather quiet walk to him before she spoke up, almost next to him. “Chilly, isn't it? Then again, I'm sure the poles are a lot colder, huh.”