“See?” Crow sighed. “This is a prime example of why you need to learn how to relax. Even if you are on duty, you don’t have to be so tense,” Crow closed his eyes again. He did have to wonder what Penelope meant when she said she was looking for someone, though. She was a spoiled noble from the inner citadel. Who could she possibly have known from a village like this one? Everyone here was of the lowest peasant class, so there must have been a story to go along with this mysterious person she was searching for. Perhaps it was a former servant? An outcast friend? A star-crossed lover? The thief suddenly found himself to be quite curious about the strange mention. “I used to know a man from this village,” Crow said without opening his eyes. “His name was Eligius, and he was a thief too, although he was an amateur compared to myself.” He looked up at Penelope. “I didn’t know him for very long. We went on a raid one night, and he made some novice mistakes that ended in him getting run through with a spear. I have to admit: The knights in this area are very efficient at their jobs. Eligius wasn’t that clumsy of a thief, but they used any mistakes he made to their advantage and killed him before he could escape.” He grinned wryly. “Unfortunately for them, I’m completely perfect in every way, so they didn’t stand a chance against me.” He rolled onto his side and studied her with interest. “That was an interesting story, wouldn't you say? Now you owe me one. You said you were looking for someone here. Who do you know from this quaint little village?”