Penelope glanced down at him with a raised eyebrow as he spoke of his friend. She fond it quite strange how the thief seemed to hold almost no attachment to anyone. Despite his usual childish demeanor, the more the knight ponder this fact, the more she began to see him in a different light as a thief. At his question, she began to open her mouth to answer but was beaten to it. "I believe she's looking for us, thief." came a deep, cold voice. Two knights had came up from behind them and now stood towering over the two. The older one was thickly bearded but had thinning hair on his head. A large and gruesome scar traveled across half of his face. Other scars were present on him but at a much smaller rate and harder to notice. His eyes were a dark green, similar to Penelope's, yet they held an even more cold and distant look than the female knight could ever muster. The second man was a bit younger but appeared older than Penelope by about ten years. He had thick black hair and piercing brown eyes that held a similar look. Both were rather tall and in fairly good shape. At the sight of them, Penelope seemed to brighten incredibly. She had a joyful gleam in her gaze that was similar to that of a child. The female knight quickly jumped to her feet, looking ready to hug the two but she suddenly restrained herself as the eldest man gave her a warning look. Her happiness quickly lessened and instead of a hug, she gave a brief bow to them. "Father, Brother." she said addressing them in a rather formal tone, which was strange since they were family. "I was hoping I'd get a chance to see you... It has been a while since you last wrote.... About six months actually..." She hinted silently at the worry she had held for that long. "A knight need only focus on their duty and loyalty to the king. Keeping up with such trival things are meaningless." Rhtorted her brother. Her father gave a small grunt of agreement before taking a step forward and resting his hand on her shoulder. "It's good to see that you are well and making use of yourself in the kingdom, Penelope." he said as his gaze drifted to Crow, giving the thief a cold scowl. "I've heard rumors about the king seeking an interest in this one. I assume you're apart of this mission?" Penelope felt a small sigh escape her as a wave of disappointment hit... Nothing had changed. She thought that perhaps the distance between them would make her father and brother a little more... excited to be reunited but as usual they carried themselves in the same manner. "Ah, yes... Along with my comrades, William and Abraxas." she answered quickly. "Must not be very important if the king hired that fool..." muttered her brother as Abraxas was brought up. Her father ignored his words. "I'd suggest putting chains on that thing then.. It'd make your journey far easier and once it's over you'd appear more reliable to the king." he told Penelope. It seemed he wouldn't even acknowledge Crow as thief at this point.