[quote=@LowKey123] [hider=My Hider] [b]"Ay up mate, you wanna have a mooch up the local? I 'erd they do a crackin' pint, and the grub is bostin' lad."[/b] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/541/39dcc65d02fe7b42f6189338b90f6834f41fa098.png?1429007[/img] Name: Adrianne Elouise Nickname: Eli, Annoying Scouser Faggot. She likes the last one. Species: Human, you motherfu- I mean, beautiful people! Age: 19 Sex: [s]Maybe[/s] Female. Job: Student. Powers: None. Weaknesses: I 'unno. The Scouser doesn't like bugs. If you like ANYTHING about bugs she's gonna hit you. Hard. Personality: Oh, this is gonna be fun. Eli is fucking [i]rude[/i], if you want me to say the least. Hell, I'll give you some words and phrases she says in the 'Other' section, but she just doesn't like being nice. "It just ain't fun," according to her. So, she doesn't like overly nice people, really. People who are polite 420% of the time and people who are super shy. [s]kinda like 70% of the cast[/s] HOWEVER She does enjoy things that other people usually don't, one of them is being insulted, another one is people getting angry, there's also one where people are equally rude to her, and just a bunch of people who are just mean are the ones she likes being around. She usually doesn't mind being insulted, its normally the same shit over and over again, she's heard it all, really. So when being insulted, she keeps the same straight face she always does and takes it, either ignoring or noting if its something different. She's developed this ability to just...not care, sometimes. Skills: Fighting. Dodging. Insulting. Hobbies: Killing bugs. Background: GUESS FUCKING WHAT? Eli lived normally. She socialized, was like how she is now, people got used to it, people talked to her, Eli enjoyed most of them, learned some insults, went to a new grade, met the new kid, evaluated 'em, either ignored 'em or made friends, etc etc. She just developed this personality early on because it was fun, and people that she met like her were fun to chat with. There were some bullies, but she couldn't give a fuck (ran out during middle school), so she just ignored them. If they suddenly decided to get physical, things turned for the worse. People getting physical resulted in over 10 suspensions, maybe 3 expulsions, the latest bringing her to apply for this Orean shit and hope people didn't want to start fights with her, so she didn't have to bring out the [i]worse[/i] side of her. She's looking forward to a good, maybe boring, year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optionals: Words and phrases. "Fuck." "Shit." "Hell no." "Shut the fuck up, you goddamn divvy." "Get out." There's lots more, I just can't think of 'em. If ANYONE within the RP can even notice, she's a Scouser. You can look that up if you want to. Likes: Killing bugs. Mean people. Dislikes: Bugs. Nice people. Theme song: I can't find one ;-; Clubs: None. Dreams: Get through school. Keep quiet for the remainder of her life.[/hider] k [/quote] I like her already, really want to see her part and interacting with others :D Eli is accepted :D