Here's the second. Lots of sources of inspiration on this one. Statues, dress guides, wikipedia... But I think I have something workable and might edit some stuff later once I get a chance to take another look. [img][/img] Name: Eresa Aedon Sex: Female Age: 246 Race: Golem Affinity: Metallum, specifically bronze. Personality: Eresa fosters the appearance of a bored dilettante. She collects as much art, clothing, and people as her savings can afford, but holding very little affection for any of it beyond its price for resale. No, what truly captures her heart and soul is power. She had all the power she could want, once. If she could have it again, and hold on to it better this time, then perhaps she could fill the void in her purposeless life. Fighting Style: As a being made of bronze and a Spirit of the same, Eresa has unparalleled control over her body's structure and the metals which comprise the alloy (copper, tin, etc.). She can form her hands into blades or other tools, increase her size, or even mend damage. For these benefits, there are also some serious deficits. Bronze is a soft alloy, bending and shearing far easier than steel, and the mending process takes quite a lot if time as Eresa has to concentrate to remake her fine components. To be honest, if Eresa found herself in combat she'd most likely be chiding herself for being stupid. She would much rather hire some thugs, poison, or throw money at a problem until it goes away. Despite her prowess if it came to combat, Eresa is not a combatant. Bio: 246 years ago Mother Eresa Aedon, Lux Matron of the Coven and holder of the 5th Mystery, died on a pyre. For 43 years previous she had clawed her way up the ranks of her order and tore down her rivals. The title of Arch-matron was within her grasp. But she'd grown complacent. Betrayed by a rival, she was one of the first flames that would set the whole of the Old Coven alight. But the fire didn't truly end her. She was saved. Salvation pushed her soul into a worker of Monolith. There she toiled, bitter for it, but without the knowledge of why. In time she managed to find others like her, dissatisfied with their lot in life with the vague feeling that something had been wrongfully stolen. These disparate workers formed the Autonomous League, pooling their skills to find a way to slip the shackles of Providence's Blessings. From their labor the Converter was born. Able to siphon Blessings away from their intended recipients, the converter stored the mystical energy for later use, to be shared by the League. The next, logical step was to see if they could concentrate the power of the Blessings enough to create a Traveler. Eresa was their first volunteer. The refinement and gathering processes were painstaking, but finally they were certain they could mimic the intensity of Providence for just a few seconds. They theorized that exposure to that much untamed energy would be enough to jump-start the Traveler metamorphosis. They were right, to a point. When it was over Eresa felt like herself again. Her affinity for Lux had been wiped out by the transformation, but the loss paled before the return of her memories and the sense of being complete. After regaining her senses, she informed her fellows that they had succeeded. She then proceeded to kill them all using the Converter, destroyed it, and stole its design notes. She knew that somehow Monolith's god had sensed her apotheosis. The Spinnermen, workers who had given their minds and bodies to Providence to become temple guardians, were on their way. She made a harrowing escape from the city, Spinnermen tracking her the whole way until their Blessings failed them. With her freedom assured, so long as he never returned, Eresa began to explore her new world. She raided her old boltholes for funds and sold the stockpiled charms and scrolls that she could no longer use. With the bureaucracy of the New Coven earning her bitter disdain, Eresa decided to enjoy her new lease on life. She earned it. Appearance: [img][/img] Eresa's "skin" is a dull bronze that, if looked at from afar, would almost pass for human. The mistake ends there as one would notice her eyes were the same color as the skin, almost like they and the rest of her face were sculpted as a formality from one piece of bronze. Her hair is much the same as its polished form doesn't actually hang free, but is another molded part of her head. Eresa's taste for the finer things extends to her wardrobe. The latest fashions from across Protea usually find their way onto her 7' frame. By far her favorite is a glossy black gown that hugs her form without being inappropriately snug. A long drape off her right shoulder and a bronze sash around her hips completes the look.