Perhaps enemies could come in groups of 3s? Each with ranging powers. (Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta. Dodoria, Zarbon, Frieza. Android 18, 17, 16. Dabura, Fat Buu, Babidi) All with ranging powerlevels, skills, so on and so forth. The strongest one/ most skillfull one eventually becomes the last enemy, and it turns into a *this fight is for all the marbles* type dealio? Perhaps even to the point where the fighters are taking on entire armies (friesa soldiers, red ribbon army.) In the hopes of fully keeping the planet safe. And then again [b] Who said anything about keeping the planet safe? [/b] Perhaps an RP where the players ARE the frieza soldiers? Hm. Also. Half Saiyan. Should come around... Later.... Considering they are born ridiculously strong, and some were even born with the ability to go Super Saiyan at like 4 years old. Which btw. Damn.