[hider=Pointless]The glare that went at Noriaki was... unpleasant, to say the least, but at least better than the hiissed warning [i]"Try something like that again, and I'll carve my name all over your pretty face."[/i] Flirting with Yuki was a bad idea. And the Imperial Household's sons were all cowards: they'd rather get rid off their own sister in the dark than [i]fight[/i] whatever dark fate approached. The bravest of them was scarcely any better--[i]still[/i] too much of a damn coward to fight for something. Yuki refused to take the easy way out: if it came to it, and she got to like this girl? She'd take out the rest of the group and deal with whatever came after. Even if it wasn't something that you could fight, she'd take the consequences. She'd had to abandon friends once before, she wasn't going to do that [i]again[/i]. "I'm going to find sake on the way to the city edge, but otherwise ready."[/hider]