Back on ember island, Where things were normally peaceful, a large plume of black smoke rose over the town square. One of two foreboding signs that summer afternoon. There was also a distinct chill in the air, blowing in from the south. The smoke grew thicker and seemed to spread across the town, as though a wild fire were out of control. Worse, the source seemed to be headed towards the white lotus hide out where the young avatar was being housed. Chit Zai sprinted as hard as he could through the maze like streets of ember island. His legs and lungs burning with desperation and fatigue. As he rounded a corner, Chit Zai put his back to the wall and carefully peered back down the street. Just as he began to hope, all three of Iluq's agents came running around the corner. Without any further hesitation he was on the move again; burning everything in his wake, in hopes that it might slow them down. Thank the spirits that today was a harvest festival, and the town was entirely deserted, or people would be in serious danger. An hour after the chase began, Chit Zai finally gave them the slip. He had to double back, costing him more time, but it was better than leading Iluq straight to the avatar. He approached from the training fields, as that's normally where Masaru could be found. "Avatar!" He called before he spotted him. There was no time to waste. He just hoped that his warning arrives in time for erok to help them.