[center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/scar.gif[/img][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Freya.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=DarkOrange]Scar Lionhart[/color] and [color=DarkOrchid]Freya Beauchamp[/color] - Present Day - The Pride Lands[/h1][/center] The smell of dust filled the large, open area as half a dozen men on chariots raced around the circumference of the [url=https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/mpc.website.assets/files/content/gallery/201405/3cfba6ec-751c-40ee-ac52-fccc669cb7bc_00fbd248_image.jpg]arena[/url]. The powerful, specifically bred horses' hooves thundered the dirt below them, billowing up clouds of dust that settled in the air as the chariots raced by, leaving a seemingly forever trail behind them. The men driving the chariots themselves whooped and hollered, however their sounds as well as the occasional whip crack went unheard as those sitting within the spectators in the arena drowned out all, their cheers, boos and shouts swallowing up everything within the arena. The seats themselves within the arena were packed, each onlooker forced to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, unable to sit even if they wanted to. There was one area, however, that remained quite roomy. Facing to accommodate to the sun's setting position, a gazebo was placed on the lower level of the stands in what was the 'perfect' spot. Usually, a single throne remained in the dead center, reserved for the King but as Scar had a guest, the throne was moved slightly to the right and a lavish settee was brought out for Maleficent. Between the settee and throne, a small table where a wooden bowl of fruit was laid out for them, a bucket of ice with a bottle of wine placed inside next to the bowl and two respected glasses. Standing within the gazebo towards the opening, Scar rested his hands on the old stone lip that served as a barrier of sorts to keep those within the arena separate from those in the stands. A slight breeze picked up, sweeping away the clouds of dust the chariots left behind and blowing a bout of cool, welcome air into the gazebo. The King's dark eyes were not on the small display of entertainment of chariot racers. Instead, they flicked between two steel trap doors, placed a hundred or so feet apart from each other, and about fifty feet from the center. To an outsider, they were just that. Two plates of steel on an otherwise dirt foundation, but to Scar, and to those who were familiar with the 'games' Scar held within the arena, it what was happening [i]underneath[/i] the trap doors that held his interest. Unseen to the public, about five men stationed underneath each trap door were readying the lions. Closing his eyes for a moment, Scar could [i]almost[/i] hear the clinking of chains that held the animals restricted, bringing a shadow of a smirk to his lips. No. Maleficent would [i]not[/i] be disappointed. Bringing her arm up she let it rest over the arm of the settee that had been provided for her comfort, her legs coming up from the ground as she leant into the cushions, her body relaxed as she lounged over the comfortable material that made up the couch, her dark brown eyes slowly roaming over the arena that she had found herself in before she let them come to a rest on the towering figure that stood before her looking out over the proceedings, both of them waiting for it to begin, "Well... You certainly know how to throw a party now don't you. I'm impressed, I can't remember the last time I watched a tournament..." Frowning slightly as her mind began to wander back over past memories, she lowered her gaze, letting it fall down to where the well-bred horses were galloping around pulling men on the chariots behind them. So her words weren't entirely accurate, the last time she had been anywhere near a tournament such as this was during her time spent in Camelot, the sound of clashing metal and shattering jousting rods still ringing clear in her mind, the men each fighting for a chance to impress the King and his ward. Though those times had changed, she was no longer the young Lady Morgana... "Child's play." Scar said without even so much as turning to face Maleficent. Instead, his shoulders hunched as he stooped his body lower, resting his elbows on the arena lip and put his hands together, pushing them over the barrier and out into the arena a bit. "To entertain the mass of [i]hyenas[/i] I allow to spectate; such simple minded people, so pointless..." As though to continue his thought for him, the trap door closest to them opened slightly, enough for a man to climb out from underneath and stood up. The trap door closed back up immediately, the man out on the arena waiting for the chariots to pass him by before he made a break towards Scar. Even from his distant placement on the arena before the man even reached him, Scar's enhanced sense of smell caught a strong whiff of blood, and as the man came closer, he could see the leather armor ripped to shreds on his right side, blood pouring from the open wound though camouflaged by the dark-colored armor though the male didn't even seem to notice, the way he carried himself across the field as natural as though he were unscathed. Scar stood up straight, crossing his arms over his broad chest, his similar armor shifting up on his shoulders a bit as he did. "Sir!" The man addressed with a quick bow. "My lady." The man addressed towards Maleficent and offered a second bow before turning his attention back to Scar. "They are good and angry sir, shall I fetch the women?" Giving the man a pressing look, Scar simply nodded his head once; a quick jerk that should the man had blinked, he would have missed it. "Sir!" The man bowed again and hurried off towards the exit of the arena, disappearing from sight. "We've a slight problem with the census here in The Pride Lands." Scar continued on, talking to Maleficent as though the exchange between himself and the informer hadn't occurred. "Too many bodies, not enough space." Finally, Scar turned his body, arms still crossed over his chest, and faced Maleficent. The corners of his lips turned up into a mock smile, a soft glint in his eye; the closest the man ever came to looking excited. "I do hope you are not squeamish, Your Majesty, a lot more than just blood will be spilled today." Tilting her head slightly as she listened to his words, her gaze dropped down to the table that lay in front of her, her free hand reaching out towards the basket full to the brim of fruit so that she could grab up one of the clusters of grapes, her body once again relaxing as she brought them back into her, a soft chuckle escaping through her soft pink lips, "My dear Scar... What do you take me for? I've seen much, and in turn been through much myself. I'm not as squeamish as you believe me to be..." Settling herself back down into the seat she let her gaze flick back up to meet with his, a small but unmistakable smirk playing over her features as she lifted up one of the grapes, softly dragging it over her lips causing them to shine slightly with the juice before she slipped it inside, taking her time to enjoy them one by one, her head giving a small nod towards his throne, "Won't you join me..? Or shall you be standing throughout the entertainment..?" "I made no such claim to the strength of your stomach, Witch." Scar bouted, losing his anger for a fraction of a moment, though he was quick to reclaim it. Ignoring her invitation altogether, Scar turned his body back to the open mouth of the gazebo, watching as one by one the chariots began to exit the arena, having received a signal that their time was over. In their stead, a line of women were being led out onto the arena floor. Their ankles were chained together, keeping them in an organized line, the man who had been the informer leading the front and another male guard bringing up the rear. The very moment the first of the five women came into view, the crowd erupted into chants and cheers, doubling in volume from when the chariots had been providing entertainment. Even Scar had his lips turning up a fraction more. He turned his head to look over his shoulder back at Maleficent, seeming pleased with himself. "Take a closer look, Witch. And you will see how The Pride Lands deals with it's mass populace." Placing her hand down on the cushion that she was resting her body upon, she pushed herself up into a sitting position, her other hand coming up to slip a couple more grapes past her lips as her bare feet touched back down on the ground, her body lifting from where it was she had been resting moments beforehand. Lifting her other hand up she let her eyes close for only a moment as she reached back ruffling her long dark brown locks, her hips swinging lightly from side to side as she made her way over to where he was standing, the woman slowly coming to a stop at his side as she let her gaze drop down to the area, her eyebrow lifting ever so slightly at the sight of the shackled pregnant women being led out, each of them obviously in different trimesters of their pregnancy. "Well now... This looks as though it is most definitely going to be worth the visit... You have surely outdone yourself Scar. I look forward to this evenings entertainment." Reaching back behind her, she gently scooped her hair around and over her shoulder leaving her back almost completely bare besides the low and thin back of her saree top, her skin still glistening slightly in the light of the Savannah sun, her eyes tearing away from the arena to glance at those that were moving about around them silently and fearfully. Watching as the two men led the five women to the center of the arena, Scar began to explain without even so much as looking at her, despite Maleficent joining him by his side. "We hold many games here in The Pride Lands, most have their designated pre-show, some have no pre-show at all. The chariots, as you saw before, are used the most to tie over the crowds while the men prepare for battle and the stadium fills. There are times, however, when those who work within my palace are... well... unable to work..." He paused to gesture a light hand to the women out in front of them. "Lack of work within my kingdom is not tolerated, and these women clearly know no discipline. Single women, all of them. Some of them seduced by my own men who are dealt with accordingly, some of them having shared my own bed. Either way, their lack of responsibility is terms to immediate termination; the bastard children they protect unneeded for an over-populated kingdom. Thus, the games. "Each time a woman within my palace is discovered with child, they are taken immediately from their position and held in the dungeons where they will wait with the others. When a fifth woman has been found, they immediately become the upcoming events entertainment before a tournament. You were lucky, Your Majesty. There were only four women just this morning, and I would have had the utmost displeasure in settling for a chariot race for the pre-game to your promotion ceremony." "I see... Well then, lucky me then." Slipping her tongue out slightly she let it glide over her lips adding moisture into them, she turned her attention back to the woman who were down below them in the arena, her hands lifting up to rest softly upon the wall that was in front of them both keeping them from going any further, her eyes lingering for a few seconds upon each of the five women before she lifted her gaze back up, turning her attention back to Scar himself, "A little bloodshed in the name of both entertainment and population control is always a fun way to end the day..." Turning his thick neck to look over and down a bit at Maleficent, Scar's usually permanent frown turned up into a smile though it did not reach his eyes. "Oh, it's much more than just bloodshed." He told her, keeping that smile, the gleam in his eye returning as he gave his attention back to the field where the woman, one by one, were being unshackled from each other. Lifting her eyebrow only slightly as she listened to him continue on with his explanation of the pre-show she let her dark brown orbs flick over his figure once more, her curious gaze slowing to a stop as she caught sight of the excited gleam flashing across his eyes, a small yet almost gentle smile playing over her lips as she let him continue on without so much as an inkling of interrupting. "An expecting mother has every right to fight for her child, as they so often state whenever there is a threat to their little abomination." His head turned back to look at Maleficent. "So I let them fight." As if on cue, the messenger pulled his sword from his hip, the second guard having just finished positioning the women in a 5-pointed star shape. The messenger walked into the middle and laid the sword down on the earth, giving each woman a skeptical glance as he stood back up straight, ensuring that none of them would do something they they would regret. The women themselves were a range of varying emotions. One woman, who was the most obvious in showing, fell to her knees, holding her swollen stomach, bowing her head to hide the tears she shed from view. Two others were crying out their fears and pleas, one to the guard, the other to Scar himself. What the women were saying exactly was drowned out by the sound of the crowd, but it wasn't hard to guess. The remaining two women seemed to still be in the phase of shock, standing completely stoic with their eyes glued on the sword in the direct center of everything. The messenger and the guard nodded once to each other and removed themselves from the arena. The noise of the crowd dissipated to almost nothing, leaving the sound of the women's hysterics to echo through the arena and even an eagle's screech as it flew by. Scar straightened up his posture, feeling each and every eye within the arena on him, silent, waiting. He looked over the crowd, and then to the women in the center, smiling at them each individually. He raised his arm up slowly, keeping it bent at the elbow and opened up his palm until it was flat, the universal sign for 'hold' and continued to stare down the women. "You know the rules, ladies." Scar called out to them, his voice calm and pleasant as though he were discussing the weather though loud enough to be heard not only by them but to everyone else within the arena as well, the echo carrying it far. "Last one alive gets to keep their child, and their life." He stopped to chuckle. "Unless the lions get your first of course." The two steel trap doors on either side of the arena sprung open, two lions lunging out from the confined hole they had been kept cooped up in to stir their anger. They were both very strong looking males, one of them issuing out a roar that had some of the walls of the Colosseum crumbling with bits of debris falling from the tops as the structure vibrated. Turning her attention back down to the arena as the sounds of vicious roar echoed around them she leant herself forward slightly, her eyes gleaming with anticipation and excitement at the very thought of watching the five women before her fighting not only the lions but each other for the right to live, the small smile that had been playing over her lips growing and twisting into a disturbingly delighted grin, "I must say... I am genuinely impressed by your ingenuity. You truly know how to bend a situation to your advantage." "Kill them." Scar swung his open-palmed hand down, a command the lions had been trained in because the very second he did, they attacked. [hider=Warning - Descriptive - Dark and Gore] The center of the arena was a flurry of movement, each woman scrambling for what they believed to be their best chance in getting out of this alive. The woman who had dropped to her knees was the first to go, the lion who had let out a roar going straight for the easier target, using it's massive weight to clamp it's jaws around her neck from behind and boulder over her, the neck snapping almost instantly. Three of the other women raced one another to the sword in the center, the one who had arrived first sweeping it up and turned quickly, stabbing into the woman who would have been second; a tactile move for the woman expecting that the lions would continue to go for the easy prey and leave the uninjured ones for last. The third woman who had gone for the sword backed away immediately, however she had only taken two steps when the second lion had pounced on her from behind, landing her flat on her stomach as the lion began to devour it's prey, ripping hungrily at her flesh with it's powerful jaws. The remaining woman who had initially just stood there while things began, ran to the woman who had been stabbed, finding that there was no hope for her friend and went to the woman with the sword. There was a quick conversation between the two, unheard as the crowd had erupted in cheers at the bloody spectacle before them, but there seemed to be a mutual understanding as the two remaining women went back to back, the one with the sword approaching the feasting lion while the woman behind her kept her eyes on the first lion who seemed disinterested in eating the woman who he had snapped the neck of, and instead began to stalk towards them. The woman with the sword approached the distracted lion tentatively, poised and ready to strike as they neared, however the second lion also came closer. The woman who was to keep watch yelled, alerting her friend but just as she did, the lion pounced. The lookout woman quickly ducked and the lion soared over the top of her, snagging the neck of the woman with the sword again and crushed her to the earth as it landed down on her with it's massive weight. The distracted lion became suddenly aware and angered upon being interrupted of it's meal, issued another roar, jumping over the opposite lion and it's crushed victim and claimed the last woman as it's prize.[/hider] The spectators were in an absolute frenzy, their cheers and screams reaching levels so high that it had Scar wincing harshly as his ears picked up on more than the normal humans. Seeming disinterested in the blood bath before him, he retreated from his post at the front and went to his throne, taking a seat and held his head in his hand, his head tilted slightly and looking out before him with a face of normalcy, almost looking... disappointed. "They usually last longer than that..." He sighed. Turning her head slightly as she heard his words of disappointment she couldn't help the soft chuckle that slipped through her lips, her body turning until she was resting her back against the railing, her attention once more completely focused on him and her eyes still gleaming with the blood-lust that she had gained while watching the scene unfolding before their very eyes, "Magnificent... It has been quite some time since I have seen such a spectacle, and honestly Scar, I am hurt that it has taken so long to have received an invitation to bare witness to such entertainment... I do hope that in future you allow me to once more keep company at your side during such events." Pushing her body away from the railing she had been leaning on, she let her bare feet carry her back over to the settee that she had been lounging moments before the show had caught her attention, her body dropping down to once more lounge over the cushions as she reached forward, her hand taking up a bright green apple before she brought it back to her lips so that she could take a bite. Lifting his gaze over to Maleficent lazily, keeping his head in place in his hand, Scar exhaled a small sigh before lifting his head back up and sat himself straight in his throne. He moved his eyes back out in front of him, watching boredly as soldiers began to drag the bodies of the women off of the arena and keeping the lions contained, as they had just been denied their meal. Lifting his hand off of the arm rest of his throne, he waved at Maleficent's direction dismissively. "You are only here now because we had a deal, Witch. Step into my kingdom uninvited and you shall see what I am [i]truly[/i] capable of," he told her in a very deadpan tone, keeping his eyes forward. Raising her eyebrow only slightly as she listened to his threat towards her she couldn't help the small and amused smirk that crossed over her lips, a soft and gentle chuckle escaping through them at the thought that he believed he could tell her what to do; it was no secret, no matter how strong a man he might be, no matter how good a fighter he became, no matter how powerful a King he was... there was just no comparison, he would never be a match for her, and they both knew it. With the 'pre-show' out of the way, the arena was now undergoing the small preparations for the main event; the event that Maleficent was invited to in the first place. He had promised her a handful of men and two top generals. The men would be simple enough to hand over, he had thousands of them, but the generals... "The promotion ceremony, as you can imagine, is done just a bit differently here in The Pride Lands. Those who cannot amount to anything, die. Through their general, they request an increase in status and are thrown into the games voluntarily. Their pride keeps them willing; their will to prove that they are better than their current position within the army. Usually, these games are held only once a year, as the generals elected must prove that they are still within good standing. However, since these men will not be taking the place of another, and instead will be leaving with you, the exception was made." Turning her full attention back down to the arena that was lain out below them she watched as about fifty or so men began to file out, each of them getting themselves ready for whatever it was that awaited them in the challenge to get promoted, causing the woman to straighten her back slightly as she continued to watch on with curiosity flashing across her dark brown eyes, "I see... Such an interesting way to hold such promotions... I look forward to learning more about such proceedings, your men certainly do look as though they can handle anything that you throw their way..." "Which is why you are here." Scar told her blatantly, shifting his eyes over to Maleficent for a moment before looking forward again. "The Pride Lands does not rely on magic of magic wielders to keep the kingdom safe, but the raw strength bred into us through generations upon generations. Physically, we remain supreme over any other army within the world and have for centuries, even when my fool of a brother ruled before I did." With the men all stationed out within the arena, the overall massive size it once held seemed to be smaller, in comparison to the five women and two lions. Two soldiers had the lions held to the sides by chains attached to iron collars around their necks, keeping them restrained from the potential new feast out in front of them. The contenders themselves wore not a stitch of clothing save for the [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11/113883/3097740-6174389151-Spart.jpg]strap of cloth[/url] that kept their important bits shielded, but more than that, a place for them to sheath their weapons at their sides before battle. A third soldier came in through the entrance of the arena holding a third lion, restricted as the other two were, however this lion was female and ready for blood. Her claws were retracted, shackles on end and large teeth bared as she tried to fight against the restraint the soldier held on her, but the moment she caught sight of the 'free-range' men before her, her frenzy tripled, her inner will and desire snapping a link in the chain and she was free, starting the games before they were rightly supposed to. This got a chuckle out of Scar as the two remaining soldiers released their male lions as quick as they could so that they could escape with their own lives, the contenders quickly springing to action and defending themselves against both lion and man. "There will be two winners, something their general should have already gone over with them before entering the arena. Those two men will be your new generals and as promised, a handful of men to go with them. After the winners are decided, I will take you to the barracks where you may pick them out personally." "I shall be certain to pay good attention towards the way you run your Kingdom... Your rule may yet inspire much change when it comes time to return back to the Moors... The men in which return with me, will be the first and the top of the army in which will preside under my reign." Lifting the apple up so that it was level with her eyes she twisted it slightly, watching the light gleam of the light on the green peel for a few moments before she spoke once more, her head tilting slightly unwittingly showing him honesty in her words. "A lot of what I have witnessed and will continue to witness here today, will most definitely be put into use... I will be implementing them as soon as the light lifts above the horizon in the morn..." Turning her attention back to the men below so that she could watch them carefully, taking note of various things that would come in handy once she had managed to make the necessary changes within the army she already commanded, her lips closing around the apple once more as she took yet another bite. "What you do with my men after the fact is of no concern of mine." Scar replied, sounding rather bored as he stood from his throne to make his way back to the front of the gazebo. "What [i]is[/i] my concern... is your end of our deal. I don't care what you need, or how you do it. I just want it done." Scar turned his head to look back at Maleficent from over his shoulder. "I want your guarantee. Can you do that?" There was no venom, no sarcasm, not even a hint of hostility in his voice the king carried like a constant companion. Instead, his eyes looked a little lighter than usual, brows furrowed in, if one didn't know better, concern. Tilting her head slightly as she turned her attention over to where he stood, she paused her arm lowering down so that her forearm was resting lightly over her knee, the apple that she held in her hand twisting with two distinct bite marks piercing the skin, the woman taking her time to think for a few moments before she leant forward placing the apple down on the table. Lifting herself up off the settee once more she slowly let herself cross back over to where he stood, her body turning around until she was facing him completely allowing herself the time to look him over, the woman only slightly taken aback by his loyalty towards a young woman that he barely knew and spent time with. "I can give you my word... as a Queen, as Maleficent, and as the Lady Morgana. Once the proceedings have ended, and my men have been chosen, we shall go and I will uphold my end of the bargain..." Lifting her hand up she held it out to him, a small and slightly reassuring smile playing over her lips, "And you know that I am good for my word..." Seeming satisfied with her words, Scar nodded his head; a quick jerk only once showing a small fraction of his own military training he had undergone before he took over the kingdom. His eyes, darkening in color to what was considered normal for him, flitted down to the hand offered to him. He had made a point to avoid any contact with the naturally-flirtatious Overlord Queen, so there was a sense of hesitancy in his body as his eyes looked back up to meet hers. "There is also the... other matter we discussed." Scar went on, though it was more of his own demand than a discussion. "A smaller favor is owed to me for making me wait." Scar paused, wetting his lower lip with his tongue as he tried to think on what it was that he needed, his mind quickly going through the last few days until something stuck out to him, a fleeting thought he had earlier when it came to what this smaller favor would be once the time came. "I have a dancer. Beautiful, graceful, unique... but with a mouth and quite unruly. Her back is sliced to ribbons and even if the wounds do heal, she'll have marks for the rest of her time within my castle; the rest of her life. This, of course as you can see, poses a problem for me. My dancers must be flawless both physically and in bowing to my will. The, uh, methods I used on her should have done the trick to have to only mar her as I did only the once. I want you to heal her." "I can indeed heal her wounds... it is of no concern to me, nor does it particularly interfere or hinder on any plans that I may have. However, causing her to bend to your every whim flawlessly is not something that I will be able to provide to you... I can only give you a means to be able to punish those who defy you without leaving a permanent mark or blemish upon their precious skin..." Turning her head away from him as she spoke she lowered her hand down to rest on the railing in front of her, her attention turning over to the single woman who for all this time had been standing silently towards the back of the tent, waiting for either one of them to give her something to do that would cater to what they wanted. Raising her eyebrow slightly she nodded over to the jug of wine that stood untouched on the table beside her apple, her free hand coming up as she turned her full attention back to the arena to quickly glance at how the men were doing below, taking hold of the goblet once she felt it brushing against her fingers she brought it up to her lips so that she could take a sip before lowering it down in front of her, "The marks would remain for... just enough time for the pain to cause them to come to their senses... Once they have seen the error of their ways, the blemish will disappear, as though it were never there in the first place..." Scar raised both arms to cross over he broad chest, his lips pursing together in a firm line as though he were trying to hide the fact that her idea had piqued his interest. Keeping his arms crossed, he raised his hand to his chin, thumb and forefinger running over his goatee in thought before he lowered his hand back down, unfolding his arms and extended his hand out to Maleficent, this time for her to shake. "So long as the Gypsy is healed of her wounds, I will not turn down this generous gift." He said, waiting for her to complete the handshake. His eyes looked to the right, catching the motion of the arena and let his lips split into that rare smile. "And it seems your two generals have been decided." He wasn't sure just how long they had been talking, though it seemed long enough for an entire fleet of men and three lions to dismantle one another in a blood bath until only two remained. The lions had already been put away, the victors reveling in the spoils of their efforts and continuing to keep the crowd pumped by their own shouts of victory. Tearing her eyes away from the fighting she turned her head to look over at him, her gaze lingering for a few moments on his extended hand before she flicked it up to meet with his own as she reached out placing her hand in his, the woman's lips turning up in a small smile as she gently shook his hand in agreement of their deal, "And I shall be more than happy to provide you with such a gift, I am sure that you will find it quite a useful tool to add to your collection..." Her lips parted slightly as her attention was called back down to the arena where her new generals were moving about, each of the men now under her command basking in the attention that the crowd was giving to them, the actions of the two men causing her to raise her eyebrow as the smile that she had over her lips began to grow slightly, "Indeed, it seems so... Are your men always this... engrossed in the attention of the people..?" "We are all born natural-leaders, all alphas struggling to lead whatever pack we can to get to follow us." Scar explained, dropping his hand after their handshake and turning to face the front of the arena again. "I promise you one thing, Witch. Your men won't know what hit them once my men reign supreme over your current generals. I would expect bloodshed. My men do not take intolerance lightly." He paused to smirk. "I'd say they had a leader to teach them as such, but it is such the way of our people. Always has been. Always will be; for as long as our history books takes us." Lifting his hand, he extended it outwards into the field a small ways, gesturing towards the men to get off the field so the clean-up crew could do their job before the blood dried too much on the dirt. The newly-made generals turned their attention to Scar, their demeanor shifting quickly as they both issued a deep bow of respect and exited the arena. Turning his body sideways, Scar kept his arm extended, his hand reaching the small of Maleficent's back as he urged her forward as he himself began walking. "Come. We will meet them at the barracks where you will choose the remainder of your men. And then, Witch, you will uphold your end of our deal."